Chapter 8

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It was dark now.

“We’re here!!” Canada yelled as he parked the car.

Brazil and him rushed out of the car the sound of another engine was becoming louder. The two tried their best to drive away from the group but for some reason no one gave them a ticket. They were clearly going above and beyond the speed limit. They thought the dark might stray them away but the bright headlight made that impossible. They needed to protect Alfred. Brazil texted ahead before approaching the house. Alfred should be upstairs in his room with someone with him while  the rest is waited for their arrival. The door open up and shut as soon as the two ran in.

“Good, you guys are here,” Ecuador said as he approached the two.

“Tell me exactly what happened,” Canada said.

Ecuador explained everything.

Canada sadly sighed. He didn't blame his baby brother. He wanted revenge too. They all did, but that wouldn't make things any better. This whole thing was taking a toll on everyone. He was going to have to talk to Diego later.

“We know that the other nations are following us. We tried to lose then but couldn't.” Brazil said.

“Everyone get your guns,” Urangay said. He looked at Ecuador, “I know that you don't want us shooting anyone but this is our turf now.”

Ecuador nodded, “I know.”

“We need to get ready,” Diego said to Canada, “Al’s in his room with Venezuela.”

Canada nodded, “Good, he's not alone.”

Maria looked up to where America’s room was. She could only hope that they could keep the other nations away from him.


A few more cars pulled up to the house.

The father nations were the first ones there. They walked up to the door as the other nations walked up too.

Spain rang the doorbell.

No answer.


No answer.

One more time.

This time the door suddenly opened and everyone jumped back when they saw a gun pointed at their faces.

After the shock ran off him, Spain threw his hands up and looked at the person holding the gun.


He knew his daughter was tough, but wow. She actually had a gun in his face.

“Put the gun down, Princesa,” He gently said.

“Leave now,” She growled.

As much as she cared for her father, her brother was suffering because of him and others.

“Leave, right now,” She said again.

“Maria,” Portugal calmly said, “We're worried about you all, please just tell us what's going on.”

“Yes, why are you hiding America from us?” Russia walked up.

Spain suddenly moved to grab Maria’s gun from her.

But as he did that, she pulled out 2 more guns and pointed it at all of them.


Spain sighed, he should have known his child would do this.

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