Chapter 32

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Venezuela sighed as she shook Diego in the meeting room, trying to get him to pick his head up off the table.

He had face planted right on it.

"Come on D, after this, you can go back to your room and sleep," She promised but Diego kept his head in the same spot.

Nations were staring at them. Some with pity, others were just staring.

This was their fucking fault. But whatever, she wasn't paying those bitches any mind.

She looked at Canada for help. He was sitting between the Mexicos, staring at Kenya, the speaker. But she knew he was spaced out. He was wearing a hoodie and still looked tired.

Yeah, this situation had been having a huge destivating effect on North America.

She knew that Maria almost shot England and France yesterday. Canada had told them about the incident, but he seemed like he could care less if the two were hit. He had only saved them so an international conflict wouldn't start up.

Ecuador had confronted Brazil about not stopping Maria, but her cousin had only shrugged, sad the two deserved it and went to sleep on the couch. (They were in Canada's room)

She honestly felt bad for her oldest cousin, he was really trying to keep it together. But they all knew it wasn't working. America was gone, the Mexicos were completely spacing out and now had jacked up sleep schedules, Canada was only caring for them and wasn't taking care of himself. He barely slept and was always tired.

And that was just North America.

And at least they came to the meetings, unlike all of their cousins.

You can basically say that, this was how the rest of the family was acting too. Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia skipped meetings and slept a lot. Suriname and Chile started coming late. Colombia had bags under her eyes and often had headaches, she and her were trying to help Canada care for the Mexicos. Peru spaced out a lot. Paraguay and Uruguay as the 2nd and 4th oldest were trying to support Ecuador.

And Ecuador?

He was trying to help everyone, as the oldest, he felt like he had to protect them all. But she knew he wanted England and France shot. She knew this was hard for him.

He just didn't want them to know. He had been hit hard with Alfred never coming to the phone when he called the White House.

As for herself, the depressing arua her family was giving off lately rubbed on her and with everything, she started oversleeping.

None of them had any energy anymore.

So when Brazil had just ended his and Ecuador's conversation by going to sleep. The older one didn't have the strength to wake him up, he had just rubbed his head because of a headache and sat at the table. He soon fell asleep, himself.

People might say they were over reacting, but they were wrong. This family needed each other.

Venezuela reached over her baby cousin and tapped Canada's shoulder. When he looked at her, she motioned to Diego.

He simply pulled the back of Diego's shirt, causing his brother to come up and sit up straight. He had a tired, bored expression on his face.

But when he let go, Diego fell flat back on the table, he didn't move.

Nations continued to stare at them.

Ecuador and Paraguay were giving them concerned looks.

Germany had called Diego out for this but one warning glare from Canada shut him down. That's another thing that had changed, Canada seemed to get even more protective over his baby brother and sister and lose trust in a few nations.

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