Chapter 34

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How much more of it could he take?

Alfred tiredly walked through the hallway with the agents right behind him. He slightly swayed to the sides... God his head hurt so much.

He had went to sleep crying and with a headache. The agents had all took turns standing in front of the hotel door just in case he had wanted to leave or had invited his family up...

He missed them so much.

He had been forced to eat breakfast in his room. It had only been 2 slices of toast, an orange, and some milk. He was still so hungry.

"Pick up the pace Alfred," He was told by one agent. They were going to a G8 meeting... and Alfred couldn't help but shiver at the thought of it.

Russia was there.... Well, maybe it would be okay.... He wouldn't speak or anything, just listen. Yeah.

But wait.... There were others there... and they- they most likely wanted to seem him fall. Japan had bombed him during WW2 so he probably wanted that. And England and France were mean to him so they probably wanted that too... and who knows? Maybe Germany....

Italy.... He wasn't a threat.... Or that might be what he wanted people to think...

They all wanted to take him down.

He shook and stopped walk, he was trembling..

"Alfred," One agent hissed, "You really having been failing the President now haven't you? We don't have time for this!! Let's go!!"

He jumped in fear and quickly nodded. He really wished they would leave him along, he was always being monitored by them and it was scary and they were mean- and- and.

He stopped walking and started to tremble..

"Damnit America!!" The last agent said unhappily. What was wrong with this boy?

Alfred suddenly speed walked far from them until he got a comfortable distance away, he knew they would catch up though.

He just wanted them to leave him alone.

He suddenly thought about the last nation part of the G8 besides him. He whimpered at the thought of his brother... His twin wouldn't want to see him fall, right? Mattie loved him...



He wanted him so badly, he missed him... He was so so sorry.

And he was here. He stood at the doors to the G8 room, the agents had caught up. He knew they would, but thankfully. They were quiet.

The most of the nations were already here. But no one was really in a seat yet since those there were discussing something in private

He quietly walk in and headed to a seat closest to the door and away from the others. America quietly sat down and looked down. His head hurt so much.

"Alfred," He heard a British voice say and he violently jumped and hesitantly looked up at England.

"Are you alright lad?" Arthur asked, noticing America's reaction.

America suddenly looked back down. Could he leave? Could he please go away?

He looked at the back at the room to the agents, they were talking to each other and were occasionally glancing at him but weren't doing anything. That wasn't fair. They only were here to make sure he wasn't showing any weakness.

And so he would stay away from his family.

It wasn't fair.

"I-I'm" He responded weakly, he saw France looking at them were across the table and stiffened.

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