Chapter 21

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At 4:32am three cars pulled up to house the Americas had left about 4 and a half hours ago.

10 secret agents all got out of the cars and headed up to the front door and one of them knocked on it.



Three times.

"Surround the house," One said and four of them did just that.

One of the remaining men took out a key an unlocked the door. Alfred's government had keys to his houses just for really urgent emergencies.

The six agents entered the house and immediately started to search for their country or at the very least, his siblings or cousins.

"Mr. Jones!!!" One of them yelled, "If you're here, please come out!!!"

The house was large so two agents searched the top floor while another two searched the main floor and the last two searched the basement.


They found absolutely nothing and nobody.

"It doesn't even look like anyone's been here," One of the agents said, she got nods from others.

"There are no dirty or warm dishes that suggested someone was here awhile ago and everything's just too neat to seem like anyone has been here," Another one said.

Another one sighed, "Looks like it's on to the next house."


America woke up with Kumaijiaro cuddled into him. He closed his eyes but soon opened them back up when he noticed something.

This was one of his bedrooms in one of the Mexs' houses.

He sat up, careful to not wake up Kuma and looked out the window. Yep.That wasn't his backyard.

He was in Mexico.

America sighed, his family was keeping secrets from him. Why? He wanted to trust them, he really did but he couldn't. They weren't being truthful with him.

He couldn't even trust his own family.

America blinked back tears and frowned. He wanted to know the truth. Why wouldn't they tell him?

He got up and went downstairs and headed into the kitchen. Most of them were already awake.

"Morning Al," Ecuador said casually from a couch. They all knew what he was gonna ask.

And none knew how they were gonna answer.

"Morning," he said back.

"I'll make you something to eat Maska," Colombia said.

"Okay," He said quietly. He was looking down. Should he ask?

Well, how else was he gonna find out?

He looked at his siblings, Canada and Maria were at the table and Diego was watching TV in the living room.

Maybe he should ask just them..... No.. He had to ask all of them.

"Guys?" He asked.

And they all looked at him, knowing what he was about to ask.

Oh damn, here we go.

"Yeah Al?" Chile asked.

"Why are we in Mexico?" He asked looking at all of them.

And it was dead silent.


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