Chapter 35

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Don't stop.

He couldn't. If he did, the consequences would be.......

He whimpered and felt tears start to fall. He didn't even want to think about that.

America heard the agents yelling for him to come back. But he was too far gone now to even think about turning back.

He whimpered, this was the fastest he ever ran before and they were out of sight for now. But that still didn't mean he was safe yet.

And his stomach hurt so much.

But he couldn't slow down, not now... Oh God, it they caught him-

America suddenly slammed into something hard and fell down to the ground in pain and shook.

It hurt so much, but he had to get up.

Alfred wrapped his arms around himself and silently sobbed. He had to go, he had to go.


"This is the superpower, huh?" A disgusted voice asked and Alfred froze.

In fear.

He shakily looked up and the tears started to increase.


Russia towered over America and smirked. He kicked the younger one's leg, making him whimper in pain.

Alfred started crying. Was Russia gonna knock him out now? Was- was he going to try and destroy his country-

He suddenly heard the voice of the agents nearby, and his heart stopped. He kept getting more and more terrified by the second.

Run, run, go now.

He shakily got up and ran.

Russia started to think. America looked pretty scared when he crashed into him and he had scared him a bit more. And it looked he was running from something.

He smirked. So why not join the case?

Plus, he could break his rival even more.


America felt his vision get blurry as his tears picked up the pace. 

He was now in the area with the rooms, zooming past so many. Why was there no one here? No could to help him.

Would anyone help him?

He suddenly tripped and fell to the ground... He groaned in pain... when would this end?

He missed his family so much, but they wouldn't help him now. Now after how terrible he was to them.

"America!!!" He looked down one end of the hallway and saw the agents running after him..

Oh boy. He got again and started running. He was getting so so tired. He ran down the opposite of the hallway and got to the staircase room, but as he opened the door. He was pushed up against the wall.

He shook, why couldn't Russia leave him alone?

"I'm never going to regret this," He smirked, raising up a fist as Alfred started to violently shake. He closed his eyes. And then heard the voices of the agents again, coming closer.

No. No, he had to go.

He used some of the little strength he had left and kicked Russia as hard as he could. The boy ran up the stairs and got to the 2nd rooms area.

Alfred panted as he staggered down the hallway... He was too tired to go on... He collapsed to the floor in exhaustion and sobbed... 

Russia, the agents they were coming to get him, he heard them coming, and... and.... He cried... he owned his family so much, he had been so terrible to him and this was his karma.

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