Chapter 19

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A couple of weeks passed.

During those weeks, America was seeing other nations who had been allowed to visit him.

Those nations were usually colonial siblings. But Canada was considering inviting some friends too.

And honestly, it hurt that he was still keeping his distance away from his family. They only wanted the best for him. And at the moment, the best was letting him not know about the pending problem.

His own government.

But while it hurt that Alfred clearly didn't want to be around them. His family was glad he was making some improvements. He was being more cooperative and open.

But they all suspected that was because Alfred found that it was easy to just do what they said so he didn't have to stay around them that long.

But hey, at least it was progress.

America was impatiently waiting near the door right now, and when he wasn't doing that. He was looking out the windows that were near the door.

"Al," Peru, who was there with him, said, "They're coming."

America started to whine impatiently, "They're taking too long!!"

"They said they were gonna be here at 3," Brazil said, "It's 2:53."

America crossed his arms and pouted, "Another 7 minutes."

Right now, they were waiting for more nations to come over and visit America. This would be the first time any of Alfred's friends would come over to see him. The nations who were coming were Philippines, South Korea, India, New Zealand, Australia again, and Monaco.

They all had realized that since America was getting more open with other nations. He was also getting more getting more comfortable with bigger groups of nations who weren't his family.

America started to jump up and down in excitement as he saw some cars drive over to the house and into the driveway. "They're here!! They're here!!" He turned to his older male cousins behind him, "They're here!!"

Argentina smiled and nodded, "We know that now Al." He had to admit when Alfred got happy, he acted like an excellent child. It was so adorable.

It was also noticed that Alfred was coming out of his timid state a little. When he got excited, his voice got a little louder. And he could take some noise without getting extremely scared.

Last week, Venezuela dropped a pan which made somewhat of a loud noise. And America, who was there, looked a little alarmed and jumped a bit but didn't really look that scared and didn't whimper or anything. In fact, he asked her if she was okay.

Alfred opened the door as he saw the group of friends and siblings get closer. "Hey guys!!"

Philippines smiled at him, "Hi Kuya!!" She replied with the same amount of cheerfulness.

Monaco looked at her younger brother, he looked way better than when she last saw him. "Were you waiting for us?" She asked, "None of us even got to ring the doorbell yet."

He smiled and nodded. Argentina stepped out, "Yep, he was pacing around the door and windows for like the past 30 minutes."

"I was excited to see you guys," America defended himself.

"Aww," South Korea teased, "So what do you want to do today Al?"

All of the nations were told about America's boundaries by his family. They told them about how how America was with physical contact and loud noises. 

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