Chapter 27

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He stared at the slice of toast and glass of milk. This wasn't anything like his family's cooking... And usually he would be given more to eat....

Why the Hell was he still thinking about them?

"Eat up Alfred," The President said, watching him, "You have a busy day today." He motioned for an aide to come over.

America watched as the woman walked to him and dumped a pile a paperwork next to his breakfast.

Alfred jumped and whimpered at the loud sound it made when it was dumped.

The Pres saw this and clenched his fists. What was wrong with his country? Superpowers didn't fucking whimper!! He really needed to strengthen this boy up.

"I want it done by 10pm," He stated.

America looked at him with wide eyes. Sure he was a workaholic, but it had been awhile seen he had been here so this pile was pretty big.

And it was 8:42 right now. About 13 full hours to complete this.

"Can I please have a little more time-"

"I'm going to tell you something America," His boss sat on the desk next to him. "You've been gone quite awhile, and your country needs you. We need you strong, it would be a shame if the only superpower had gotten soft. Isn't it?" 

America shifted around uncomfortable.... Maybe he was right.... He felt a bit guilty, he should have fought his family to bring him back earlier. People, other countries relied on him everyday. He couldn't afford to be out.

He felt shame overwhelm him.

God, he was so fucking selfish.

"It is," He nodded, looking down shamefully.

The President nodded, smiling. At least America still understood that he had a job as the superpower. "Do you know how many people were probably affected by you being out? You should have been here Alfred."

He nodded, "I should have." He took a piece of toast and started to nibble on it, still looking down.

Now he was hungry. But was that is stomach grumbling, or it turning at how guilty he felt.

He sniffled as tears started to fall.

The President frowned, "After having a little vacation off, you think it's okay to suddenly become so soft and weak, Alfred? Do you want others to look down on us?"

"No," He whimpered, shaking slightly.

"You're being a hypocrite America. Stop crying. This is how other nations attacked us in the past. We were weak. You were weak. It was your fault."

Alfred kept shaking but forced himself to stop crying, the sniffles didn't stop either. "I'm sorry."

"You don't just owe me an apology. You owe everyone who relies on the U.S. one. You probably wanted them to take you, wanted to get away from your responsibilities. Wanted to get weak."

"No," He whispered, sniffling.

"Really? Well then, why are you going crazy? A mental breakdown, are you serious?"

"I'm sorry," He shifted away from the President.

This was all his fault.

He couldn't afford to be weak, but he did... So selfish.

"You should be. We can't have that now, can we America? If you want to go crazy, then why are you the superpower?"

Alfred kept trying to keep back the tears.

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