Chapter 13

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Russia shook his head again. He didn't believe this, he couldn't.

America. The world's superpower. The nation who didn't lose wars. The nation who introduced the atomic bomb.

Had looked so fragile yesterday?

No, this couldn't be.

He's probably just faking, probably planning something.

But then again, his family was very protective of him last night and they did say no one was allowed to see America yet.

Huh….. Maybe he should pay a them a little visit of his own.


Was he really a terrible father?

This question kept going through France’s head. He couldn't shake that feeling off him.

The feeling that he had failed as a father.

He kept looking back at yesterday night. America, his son, he was just so…. So… what was the word?




How about all three.

And now, his other son didn't want him or England to have any contact with America at all.

He doubted Canada even wanted to talk to him.

The fact that he had hurt his child up to this point pained him. America was so young, still a baby compared to him. He didn't deserve this.

But he was going through it because of the verbal abuse he had faced.

France sighed and looked at his phone. Maybe he should call Canada and see if there's anything he could do to help America improve.

“Uh…. Papa?” Ivory Coast’s voice snapped him him out of his thoughts.

“Oui, cheri?” His children around the table were all staring at him or looking at England with worry.

“Are you gonna call them?” She asked.

France looked back at his phone. They probably wouldn't pick up anyway.

He shook his head and looked back them. “Am I a good father?”

They all looked at each other.

“Of course you are,” Sengal said.

One question.

If he was a good father to her.

Then why wasn't he like that to America?


Everyone decided on a picnic.
Sandwiches and salads were made. They made more than enough because who knows how hungry they will get . The plan was nice and simple, hike around and stop to eat at the picnic area and hike back. Alfred loves picnic but he loved Barbeque even more. He loves inviting his family for a hike and a BBQ especially around his birthday. At first they thought it was a good idea. Having America think back to the happy memories instead of the bad one. But Canada decided against that.

It was a nice idea. He admitted that, but even if his brother decided to eat he wouldn't be able to eat something heavy like meat. A nice and simple meal was the way to go. At least until his stomach grows back to the way it was before.

Matthew wants to be a caring brother. He wanted to help his brother.

“I'm sure Alfie would like going outside for a picnic.” Maria added.

One by one everyone else agreed. After all one of the reasons they decided to go to Texas was for Alfred to relax while seeing one of the greatest parts of his land. All they had to do now is to get the said nation to agree to leave.

“I’m sure he's pretty paranoid after the events that happened yesterday.” Brazil stated. “How do we convince him to leave the house?”

They all started to think.

Finally, it hit Diego. He looked at his family, “Al loves animals!! He was okay with Kuma when I saw him last night and this morning. Going out in nature might excite him. He may be tense around us, but with animals. He's fine.”

Ecuador thought about it and started to nod, “You're right.”

Argentina nodded, “They may even help him heal.”

Uruguay got up, “I'll go get Al.”

The others nodded and started getting ready to go outside.

Uruguay walked upstairs and to America's room.He heard talking on the other side of the door and listened.

“Maska, they want to help you,” He heard Kumajiro say, “They care about you. You shouldn't be distancing yourself from them.”

“No,” He heard Alfred’s muffled voice say, “They're lying. They all are. I'm always being lied to,” He heard sniffles.

Uruguay sadly sighed, he loved his cousin. They all did. But he was so hurt that he didn't- no.

He was so hurt that he couldn't realize it.

He was so used to being hurt and verbally abused so many times. That he had drilled it into his head that nobody cared.

At all.

About him.

“I miss Mommy,” He heard America sadly whisper, “Mommy cared… and so did Big Sis (Vinland) and…”

Uruguay sadly listened as Alfred listed more of his Native American Siblings and their other Native American family members.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and opened the door.

America froze and looked at him. He slowly backed away from his cousin.

“It's okay Maska,” Uruguay said, “Um.. We wanted to go out for a hike and picnic. You should come down…. We're leaving soon.”

Alfred shook his head, “I want to stay here,” He whispered.

“Maska, you should go,” Kumajiro said.

America shook his head again and buried his face into his knees, “Leave me alone, please.”

What if the other nations were out there? What if they just wanted to insult him? He didn't want to go.

He wanted to stay right here.

“Um….. You know Maska, we'll see alot of animals out there.”

America looked up at his older cousin, he wiped a few tears that fell, and sniffled “What about eagles?”

Uruguay nodded, “I can't say for sure, but we'll see lots of birds and maybe some bunnies.”

“I want to see bunnies.” Alfred whispered.

“You should come than Al,” Uruguay said calling his cousin by his English name now.

America thought about it for awhile. He liked bunnies and birds…… and, and maybe they could go by the lake that's nearby.

“Can we go to the lake?” He asked.

His cousin nodded, “Of course.”

Alfred looked at Kumajiro before looking back at Uruguay. He nodded, “Okay,” He whispered.

Uruguay smiled, “Let's go then,”  He held out his hand for his cousin to take.

America got out the bed and looked at the hand.   He looked at his cousin again before looking back at the hand.

He took it and the two walked out together with Kumajiro following behind.

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