Chapter 9

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Alfred froze, what are they doing here? Weren't they in the house with the others. He just escaped, he still heard them downstairs. But he have imagined all of that. Another reason for his brothers to believe he's crazy.

England stepped forward whole he took a step back. Why are they here in the first place? He overheard something about wanting to know where he was. Were they going to trap him? Are they going to pretend they care and really limit his freedom? What if that was a lie and they really wanted to make him suffer?

After all, he really is a bad person. He was basically a villain and the others are acting like the hero at the end of a comic book punishing the bad guy and make sure he never do anything evil again.

England grabbed both of his shoulders and forced the American to look him in the eyes. “Alfred, answer us honestly. What is going on? Where were you?”

Panicked, America quickly answered. “I don't know!”

Please let me go.

France stepped up and hugged him, “Thank goodness you're okay.”

Alfred tensed up and flinched.

No, no, no. He didn't like this.

At all.

What did France care anyway?

Please let go.

He remembered their words and shook a bit. He couldn't be weak, not in front of them. What if they tried something?

What if they called him something?

“What do you mean, you don't know?” Portugal and Spain asked at the same time.

“Don't lie aru,” China huffed, “We only want answers.”

“Alfred, answer us,” England said.

“Yes, do it. We must know why you're slacking at being the superpower,” Russia said.

Countries started to shout out questions.

America tried his best to not shake. If he showed weakness, he was gonna get insulted. He knew it.

He just knew it.

But it was hard.

Alfred started to shake even more but was too scared to move from England grip. “I'm sorry,” He whimpered, “Let me go.”

England looked confused, “Sorry for what? Alfred are you okay?” Why was America shaking?

When America looked at England, the older nation was taken back.

His son had a look of fear in his eyes.

France had noticed this and he and England looked at each other.

“Let me go,” America whimpered again, but it was so quiet nobody heard him.

“Are you going to answer us or what?!” Someone yelled out.

That's it, America couldn't take it anymore.

He looked around, all Alfred saw were the other nations staring and yelling at him.

No, no, no, they were yelling!!

He did something, didn't he?

Oh, what’d he do now?

He always did something.

America’s heart started to pace. He didn't know what to do.

Everyone was staring and yelling and England wouldn't let go.

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