Chapter 40

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It's been awhile.

Alfred excitedly walked down the hallway, he really wanted to get some ice cream. It had been some time since he had it.

He had already told some of his family about going out and they had agreed.

So he was going to find the others now. But it seemed like they were taking turns disappearing.

Right now it was Mattie and some of his older male cousins who were gone. He knew they were in the house, but didn't know where.

He was hearing sounds and suspected who and what it was but didn't know for sure.

But it probably was true.

His family was pretty protective after all.


Canada smacked the man with his hockey stick, hard, again.

The former president groaned in pain as the blood ran down his nose.

Hadn't anybody realized he was missing?

It had been over 3 days now.

This was... this just so much. He didn't remember much, he had been at home, got taken, woke up here.

And they were all looking at him.... He stiffed at their stares.

As far as he knew from Alfred's family, the countries surrounding him now were Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and... and

God, his head was so fuzzy. 

He was so hungry, hadn't ate much.

Another punch to the gut by Brazil and he groaned in pain again.

This really hurt.

"You know," Canada said, "My brother had to beg to eat. But you didn't care.." He kicked him..

Don't mess with his little brother.

Either of them.

Ecuador grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to him. Taking his left arm and pulling it behind his back.

"Please," He begged.

This was too much.

Ecuador shook his head, "You abused your power towards my primito and are afraid to take the consequences." He threw the man to the ground.


And before he could kick him. Canada did.

Over and over and over again.

He was just so angry.

Everything his brother had went through..... they were suppose to help him.

Argentina grabbed the man and slammed him into the wall. He groaned in more pain.

"Plea- please," He begged, "i-"

"Shut up!!" Canada yelled punching him down to the ground. "My brother most likely begged and did you help him? No!!"

His cousins had to push him back many occasions since he was about to kill the man, just like Mexico earlier, but not yet.... Death would be letting him get off too easy.

Chile kicked the bitch twice, showing no emotion when he cried out in pain.

Peru leaned against the door, watching his cousins. He had taken part in this awhile ago. Now he was just watching with Bolivia and Suriname, as the oldest of South America and Canada went off.

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