Chapter 29

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America stared at the paperwork, keeping back the tears again...... He had been so tired from working and crying last night, he had almost overslept.

Almost... He had woke up to an agent yelling at him to wake up and had fell off the bed.

It hurt... But he knew crying would get him into more trouble.

He wanted his cousins.... They were safe... his big brother.

"We can't have the superpower oversleeping on the job, now Alfred." The Pres said as he placed more papers on his pile.

That's what happens when you oversleep, you got extra work.

He held back a whimper and nodded, "Yes sir, your right sir."

The President nodded, he knew he was right. 

America felt so weak, he was still so tired and- and- really hungry. He had been given toast with strawberry jelly and orange juice today.

He was still so hungry.

His family, they would feed him. He kinda started to miss them.

And he was now on edge around the Pres after what happened last night.. It just seemed too extreme and scared him.

America grabbed his papers, his knees buckled because of the weight of the papers but he didn't say anything. He just quietly walked out.

"And Alfred?" The President called.

America stepped back in.

"Due to your excessive sleeping, I will not fulfill any of your requests from yesterday." 

America almost looked down, but he didn't. He knew better, besides there were agents who would probably glare at him and scare him if he didn't. He simply nodded and stepped out.

It seemed like his spirit was really dying.

The Pres smiled, Alfred was learning quicker then he thought. That was his country, see he just had to force the weakness out of him. Just a little longer and then America would be completely fixed.

Mental breakdown, he rolled his eyes.

Only crazy people had those.

He rolled his eyes and groaned as the phone again, these boy never gave up!!

"Sir?" An agent asked, "Ecuador could be calling again."

He nodded knowly, "Don't answer. Tell him I'm and Alfred said he didn't want to bother with kidnappers."

Honestly, the South American nation had been calling, demanding to talk to Alfred.

Who the hell did he think he was?

After the first 5 calls of saying America didn't want to speak to him, he just stopped bothering to pick up the phone.

Besides, it wasn't like the rest of those country nappers could come and take America again, he was in the White House.

And even though he had to admit..... Ecuador was persistent.

The boy's calls were getting lesser by the day, 


Alfred sniffled and he suddenly stopped writing, his hand was so shaky.

"Stop being so fucking weak," He muttered to himself.

God, he never could do anything right could he?

But even with that harsh talk, he couldn't help but let some tears slip.

He really missed his family..... Yes. They were still his family, he missed them so so much... They would never treat him like this...

They actually fed him.... And cared for him and.... And loved him....

Alfred started to cry..

He had been so terrible to them..... God.... this was his fault.... He was the reason why he was here....

They hadn't betrayed him.... He had done that to them..

He sniffled, but the Pres... he was-

No, the Pres was being so different all of a sudden and was acting pretty extreme.... Did he really care about him?

"I don't know..." He closed his eyes and whispered to himself.

He really didn't know.

I mean, the Pres was all of a sudden restricting him from doing alot of the things he used to and the Secret Service was always following him.

He wiped his tears, and-and his family let him cry and...... they followed him around too.... But- but they never did it like the agents, they would talk to him at night as he went to sleep or go outside with him and lay down in the grass and relax.

Or watch tv with him.

And-and........ His heart started to ache. 


They had been nice to him.

But- but maybe the Pres would be nicer and start feeding him more if he did more work and didn't cry and yeah..


America sat back up straight and got back to work, yeah. Maybe his boss would be nice if he did as asked.

That should be easy, right?

America ignored his empty stomach growling and continued to work.


Too bad it went on.

Nothing America ever did was enough. He would always somehow screw up to the President and would never be allowed his wishes.

All he wanted was more food, to go outside, to get the freaking lock off his window.

All he wanted, that's all he wanted.

And could never be fulfilled.

And the Pres never changed, the agents never stopped monitoring him, and he kept taking it all.

His family truly had treated him  better and tried to help him.

And now he knew it.... Too bad he screwed it up.

And Ecuador's calls soon stopped.


Thoughts about the chap? Where the story's gonna go from here? The book?


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