Chapter 20

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So many nations were getting to see America.

So why couldn't they!?!

They were his bloody parents!!"

England huffed as France tried to calm him down.

He was bloody furious!!

"Arthur please calm down," France begged, "I'm upset that I can't see our son too but you're turning red."

England turned to France, "Of course I'm turning red!! We should have been the first people to see Alfred!!! We raised him!!!"

France nodded, he really did agree with England. They had raised Alfred and he was their son. They had messed up a bit but what parents didn't at times.

They wanted to see their child.

"Ayiaa, what are you two going on about now?" China asked as he walked over to the two. You could clearly see that England was upset about something or some reason.

"None of your business China," England spat.

China rolled his eyes, "You've been pacing back and forth or who knows how long? I could only hear a little of what you were saying. Something about America...?"

England didn't say anything, he just looked straight up mad.

"You're ranting about America?"

"Please stop talking about my son, China."

China noticed that England seemed to tense up every time America was brought up.

"He's just tired China," France said.

"He does seem tired," China responded, "But....Why is he mad about America? I don't think he did anything. Shouldn't you two be glad that he's making progress? Alot of nations who went to see him say he looks better than last time."

At that, England started to grumble, "We should have been able to see him!! He's our son!!"

Oh that's what this was about.

China rolled his eyes again, "You were his parents but base off what I learned this past month, after the American Revolution and French Revolution. You both changed towards him. And wasn't he afraid of you two when we all saw him? Hmm?"

They both stared at China. England stepped up, he wasn't gonna take this.

"Alfred is in a very fragile state of mind right now. He is afraid of many things based on what know. But as his parent, I still very much care for him-"

"Or are you just saying that because you're now seeing the effect was what you did to him?"

France gave the older nation a look, "Hold on now, we may have said some things to Alfred but that was not enough to make him turn out like th-"

"But that would have been enough to start the break of his mentality."

"What are you saying, Yao!!?!" England said angrily.

"I'm saying, that you two are terrible parents," He retorted, "And that's if you can be called parents! Parents don't verbally abuse their children to the point they mentally break. You let wars change your love for your son. Children need and deserve love. I raised some so I would know it. And as they were growing up, I never insulted them once!!" He raised his voice, "There's a reason you two can't see him when a few of his siblings already did. You weren't sorry for your words back than. You're just sorry because you're finally seeing the effects."

England huffed and glared at him. He lunged at China but France held him back.

China only rolled his eyes again and walked away.

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