Chapter 14

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It was a perfect day for the picnic, the other nations were glad and hopeful, if the sky was sunny then maybe the personification will reflect the same feeling as the weather. Beside with the lack of food, Alfred needed some sort of vitamins C. Now that Alfred was willing to go, everything should go along smoother than plan.

“Are you ready Al?”

Alfred looked at his twin and just shrugged. He went back to talking with Kuma.

Canada sighed, it kinda hurt to have his twin brother afraid to talk to him. He was glad America was actually talking to someone but was it to much to ask.

For that someone to be him?

Canada looked back at America, “You know, Alfie. I'm here if you want to talk about anything.”

America just nodded and turned back to Kumajiro.

Canada sadly sighed again but turned around when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

It was Peru.

He looked at his cousin before looking back at Alfred, “He really doesn't trust us, does he?”

Peru could only nod, “Little by little, ok?” We can't just expect things to get back to normal all of a sudden. We just have to take things little by little.”

Canada frowned but nodded, “Yeah.”

“Let's get going guys,” Guyana called out.

They all started to walk up the trail but as soon as they did, everyone noticed the same thing.

Alfred was keeping his distance from them.

It wasn't like he was 8 ft away or something, it was only like 2. But still, they could all see he wanted to stay away from them.

This whole thing had been taking a toll on everyone. But they all had been bottling it all in. They didn't want Alfred to see them like that.

They had to be strong.

But even strong people could have breakdowns.

Venezuela noticed Alfred looking around at the different animals around them. She walked over to him, “Hey Alfie, remember when you beat everyone to the top of this hill? When we came with the states, provinces, cities and territories?”

Alfred smiled as he remembered and nodded.

Argentina huffed and looked at them, “I almost beat him.”

“Almost,” Alfred softly said while smiling.

“You just got lucky that time Maska.”

“Don’t be a sore loser Tina,” He laughed.

He didn't know it, but that brought smiles to his siblings’ and cousins’ faces.

How long had it been since they heard that laugh? Or even seen him smile?

“I demand a rematch,” Argentina went on.

America thought about it.

Did he really want to do this…….. with them? Did they really mean it? What if they didn't? What if they were lying and were going to hurt him?

What if- what if-


What if…...

What if they meant it?

He looked at his family again. All eyes were on him. They didn't look like they would hurt him.

Looks can be deceiving though...

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