Chapter 11

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Everyone just stared at Maria.





They never bullied anyone. What was she talking about?

“What are you all talking about?” England asked.

Paraguay rolled his eyes, “Don't play dumb. Most of you just couldn't let Al be himself, could you? He's made mistakes in the past but no, you completely forget the fact that he tried fixing them. Every single meeting is full of insults thrown at him. He has feelings too, you know!! But apparently that was forgotten,” He hissed.

“What? Are you all saying that we bullied America?” Ghana asked.

“Not all of you,” Canada said to his sister, “Most of you.”

Brazil sighed, “You guys probably never thought about it, but words can really hurt. Back during the Great Depression, all barely ate and binged.”

A few countries jaws dropped. France covered his mouth in shock.

“Is that what's going on now, too?” Israel asked worried.

“No,” Brazil answered, “Well, not the binging. But he is barely eating. Even with that, his condition is worst this time. He's afraid of physical contact and finches and shakes at it. And is afraid of loud noises and jumps at that.”

England thought about it, that explains the shaking when he touched America's shoulder earlier.

But still, this was crazy.

There was no way Alfred could actually be afraid of simple things like that.

But still though…..

America was stronger than that.

Countries wanted to argue and say that they didn't believe this. But they couldn't.

They, themselves had seen America. They saw the look of fear he had in his eyes.

“He's fat enough, maybe he may actually lose weight from thi-” Cuba was cut off when a knife flew pass him.

He looked down at his and saw that the knife had actually sliced him.

All countries turned to Maria who was polishing her gun.

She wasn't even trying to play innocent.

They all thought she was bluffing when she threatened someone.

Turns out she wasn't.

“You still don’t get it, do you?” Ecuador said, “You don't even know Al well enough to talk about him like that! He's going through so much right now because of people like you!!”

“The only reason he eats fast food is because he's a workaholic and never bothers to make breakfast when he pulls an all-nighter!!” Venezuela said angrily.

They all watched the shocked expressions of many countries.

Yep, it was true. The only other reason America would eat fast food, is when he was out late with one of the younger states or cities. Those were the only reasons. Many countries didn't know,  but Alfred could actually cook.

“Wait, but how is America afraid of loud noises?” Syria asked.

“Maybe it's because he's always yell at with insults and feels like he always do something wrong,” Colombia said.

This was hard to believe.

Alfred? America? The superpower? Like this?

No way.

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