Chapter 23

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Alfred sniffled and punched the wall.

How could they do this to him?

They were supposed to be his family!!

Fucking liars, that's what they were.

"You're hurting yourself," Kumaijiaro spoke from the bed. He was watching America.

He turned and glared at the bear, "You knew about this too, didn't you?"

Kuma didn't even hesitant and nodded. "It was for your own good."

He growled and punched the wall again, "You think I'm crazy too!?! I'm the fucking superpower, I can't afford to go crazy!!!"

Kuma shook his head, "Even superpowers need breaks. You're not an exception. Your family was worried about you and your well being. You were taken from Canada to Texas so you could heal faster in your country and other countries wouldn't disrupt your healing process. But then it was found that your government was close so you were taken here, to Mexico. They have always been trying to protect you. They care about you, they love you."

America wiped tears that were running down his cheek, "No," He shook his head and whispered, "You're lying. You all are liars and traitors."

He thought he could trust them...

He wanted to get out of here, he needed to leave.

Kumaijiaro shook his head again, "Maska-"

"No!!!" He sniffled and ran out the bedroom and into the bathroom, "I'm fine!!! You're lying!!"

You didn't have to listen closely to hear Alfred crying.

His family had betrayed him.

He couldn't trust anyone.....

Wait, yes he could...... There were some people he knew wouldn't betray or trick them....

America sniffled and looked around... Phone, he needed a phone. He didn't know where his was.

"They probably stole it," He muttered.

He had to find one and get out of here, he couldn't stay anymore.


America carefully and quietly walked back into the bedroom.

Kuma was gone.

He sighed in relief and looked out into the hallway before quietly walking out the room.

Phone. He had to get a phone, where was a damn phone?

Where was his phone?

Wait, the Mexs had a lounge on all floors of their houses.... Alfred continued straight down the long hallway.

He wiped more tears as he walked. How could he not see this coming?!

His own fam- former family had betrayed him... Out of all the people would could have tricked him......

Why'd it have to be them?

He finally made it to the lounge and made a mad dash to the phone. He quickly typed in a number.

"Hello? This is t-"

"It's Alfred," He sniffled.

"Alfred? Where have yo-?" The person on the other side stopped when he heard America quietly crying on the other end, "I'll transfer the call."

"T-thank you."

"Alfred? "Another man's voice came on.

America started to sob. It hurt so much, the fucking betrayal. He wanted to get out of here, he just wanted to leave. "M-Mexico. Coahuila."

"Mexico!?! How did you- what's wrong?"

"They lied," He whimpered, "I wanna go... please," He said desperately.

"Okay," The man on the other end assured him, "We're coming, I promise. I'll have them trace your call. We'll be there soon."

America on the other end only nodded, sniffled again, and tried to wipe all the tears away. "Okay..... Please hurry.." He whispered.

"We will America. You're finally coming home."


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