Chapter 3

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During the whole car ride to Canada’s house, America was silent.

He still looked a bit pale and was just staring out the window…… Thinking about the painful words that had been said to him…

Canada was worried, he swore he was hearing whimpers. He looked closer at America and noticed he was silently crying.

“Al?” He put a hand on his brother's shoulder.

America jumped up, backed up into the car door, and put arms around himself as if he was hugging himself. “I'm sorry!!!” He cried out with his eyes closed, shaking.

Okay, Canada was more than worried now.

“Al, Alfie!! It's me,” He tried to calm down his younger brother.

America's eyes shot open, he tried to settle his shaking, “Mattie?” He managed to squeak out.

“Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?” There was no point to asking such a question since Matthew know the answer already but asked anyway.

“No.” His brother confessed, sniffling, “I’m not alright.”

Canada could ask what was wrong right now but he decided to wait until they get back. After all.someone must have hurt his brother. He didn’t want to scare Alfred more by driving at a dangerous speed.

Instead Canada tried to engage his brother in another topic. “Alfred tell me about the movie you watched the other day. I’m planning on watching it myself, see. But I want your opinion before I go to the theatre.”

Alfred looked up from his little self bubble . “It wasn't that good.” He whispered. “The CGI was overused and the actor didn't capture the eyes of the audience. I passed out after the old fashion evil twin plot. They said there will be a squeal but it’s better to save your money for a new better game that's coming out.”

It worked somewhat. Alfred stopped shaking as much and looked a little better maybe even a little angry. Canada didn't know that a movie can make his brother that mad. Canada carefully parked his car in the garage. His garage is still a mess after all it snowed a few days ago and his equipment are left on the floor scattered. He just hoped nothing would break or damage his car.

Canada turned his car off and open the door leaving his car. He walked over to other side and open the door and help his brother up and out of the car. Alfred flinched at the touch but manage to safety go inside the house.

As they walked in, America suddenly jumped and hid behind Canada when they heard a loud noise.

Canada was seriously concerned.

He put his arm around his little brother and the two walked into the living room to see Maria and Diego watching a movie and eating popcorn.

The volume was a bit high.

The twins looked at them before looking back at the TV.

“Hey Hermanos,” They both waved, watching the movie.

“Hey guys,” Canada looked at his kitchen, “I hope you guys didn't raid everything in my fridge.”

“Nah,” Maria said, “Only the tomatoes, and some sandwiches.”

Canada knew they did something else, “And?”

“And some sodas and fish for Kuma,” Diego said.

Canada then noticed America holding onto him like his life depended on it. Every sound the movie made, made America flinch and hold on to him tighter.

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