Chapter 7

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“His boss doesn't even know where he is,” England said to the other father nations in the car. He had just been on the phone with America's boss.

Right now, the four of them and a few other countries were heading to America's usual house. The one in D.C.

“What if one of them are hurt?” Spain asked worried.

“I don't understand,” Portugal said, “Brazil isn't even telling me anything.”  He was used to him telling him almost everything. In the past, Brazil had been a Daddy's boy.

France parked the car in America's driveway and the four got out.

A few more cars with countries parked in the driveway too.

“Should we be doing this?” Australia asked one of his dads, England, “They obviously don't want us to know what's going on.”

“You're right,” France told his son, “They don't, but we're their parents and we have a right to know what's happening to them.”

India looked at Monaco, “I still don't like this.”

“Besides,” Russia said, “America is our superpower and he's slacking.”

France walked to the door and pulled out his key America gave him for emergencies. He unlocked the door and entered the house.

“Mijos!!” Spain called out incase Mexico or if any of his South American kids were here.

No answer.

The house was quiet.

Spain started to walk around the house while France and some of his daughters headed upstairs. England joined Spain in walking around the house and kept an eye on Russia.

Since the mansion was so big, nations split up in searching.

“Nobody's here, Papa,” Sierra Leone said to France as they walked down the stairs.

“She's right,” Prussia said walking towards them, “It's completely empty.”

“What could they be hiding?” Japan asked.

“It has to be very big if America is missing and only two of them come to meetings at a time,” Germany said.

“Maybe we should just leave this whole thing alone,” Philippines said to her father. But Spain didn't look convinced.

“America's boss has no idea where he is. North and South America won't say anything about it,” Portugal shook his head, “We're gonna have to take matters into our own hands.”


As the meetings went by, countries started to notice a pattern. Every other meeting, some North and South American Countries would be there but during the next meeting. The ones who went to the last weren't there and the ones didn't were. It was strange to say the least. After all, nothing like this happened before. It was as if they were doing something suspicious when they asked the said nations about it they quickly changed the topic or showed them a note from their boss. It was a simple excuse note it looked almost like the same one their child will give to their teacher after a day off from school.

But the others noticed one other thing. No matter who cames to the meeting America would never be there. In today’s meeting was Canada and Brazil. England, Spain, France and Portugal were the main ones who were concerned for their children. They knew how protective they could be and the only time they were like this was when one of them was dangerously injured or worse. Of course there was a time when they were like that during the Olympics but that’s a story for another time.

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