Chapter 10

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It was once Alfred was inside the closed car Canada answered the nations. A sharp glare quickly quiet them down. It was still raining, staying outside for too long could get his brother sick. It was best to go back to the house. Alfred and along with the rest of his family would protest of course. They had spent so long trying to keep everyone else away from him only to invite them back in the house.

But what other choice did he have?

“Matthew,” England asked, “What do you mean? What did we do? What's wrong with your brother?”

“Let’s go back to the cars.” he said. It wasn't a request, it was a demand. “We’re going to the house.”

Ecuador looked at Canada with a ‘What are you doing?’ look.

He was the oldest out of the Americas, when things were extremely serious, decisions were either passed by or at least had to be okay with him.

Canada sighed and walked over to him. He noticed the rest of the Americas coming over too. Expect for Brazil, who was in the car with Alfred.

“We can't stay in rain for too long. Al, is already wet, there's still a storm going on, and staying out any longer will make him sick. And that will just make things worse. But now that the nations saw him, we all know for a fact that they won't leave us alone.”

“He's right,” Urangay said.

Maria sighed, as much as she wished the other nations would stay out of this, she knew her brother was right.

Colombia sighed, “We're doing this, we're really doing this. I can't believe this,” She massaged her temples.

“You're right tho,” Diego said, Chile and Argentina nodded.

They all looked at Ecuador.

He had his arms crossed and didn't look too happy with the whole thing but nodded, “They're not staying over though. And I don't want those who caused Al to be like this make much contact with them. I rather have none of them make any contact with him but it's too late for that.” He sighed.

They all nodded.

Canada sighed, “Lets just make this quick so they'll get away from Al quicker.”

The Americas walked to the cars that some of South America had driven. They started the cars and started the drive back to the house. The other nations in cars followed.

The rest of North America had climbed into the car with America and Brazil.

Canada was sitting in the back of it with America while Diego was explaining everything to Brazil who was driving.

He noticed that his brother was shivering and hugging himself. They all were shivering though. After all, they had been standing in the rain for awhile.

They all heard a large boom.

America jumped and whimpered.

Canada looked around the car. His brother always had things for emergencies in his cars. He smiled when he found a blanket. Canada slightly reached out his arms to America and pulled him to his chest. Alfred, on the other hand, froze and tensed up.

Canada frowned but put the blanket over his twin and himself. He rubbed Alfred’s back a bit to calm him down.

His brother still felt tense up didn't pull away from him.

After awhile, America snuggled into Canada and closed his eyes.

He fell asleep.

Canada smiled and ran his hands through his brother's hair and whispered in his ear. “We'll get you through this, Alfie.”


Brazil and the other South American Countries pulled up to the mansion.

They were followed by the other countries who quickly piled out of their cars.

They watched as Canada carried America out the car and into the house. He walked upstairs to America's room before coming back down after awhile.

Venezuela motioned for the countries to head to a meeting room.

Once they all piled in and sat down, Ecuador spoke.

“First things first, after this meeting, you all leave.” His tone sounded like he wasn't playing any games.

They all nodded.

Spain was the second to speak, “Can you all tell us what's been going on? And what did you mean by ‘You did this to him’?”

North and South America all started to give off deadly aruas.

“Do you all know what bullies are?” Brazil asked.

“Of course we do,” Spain nodded, “People like that are terrible beings who don't care for one's feelings.” A few countries nodded.

Maria growled, “Well than Papi, you just described yourself and many others perfectly in this room. Since that's what most of you all are.”

Countries were taken back at this.

The room was now silent.

And extremely tense.

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