Chapter 16

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Alfred’s phone had been spammed with calls from his government for the past few days. The Americas thought it was best to call someone about it.

“We’ve been trying to keep them away from you guys,” D.C.’s voice rang out through Canada’s phone, “We’ve been telling them that Al’s going through a family emergency. But I think they're starting to not believe that anymore.”

The first few ones were about how they hoped everything was alright and stuff but than it was getting to the point where they’re now asking why he hadn’t checked in with someone about what was going on.

Now they were demanding to know where Alfred was and wanted him to report in.

“What are we gonna do?” Diego sighed as he paced back and forced.

Knowing, the American government. If they didn't call back soon or something. Alfred’s phone would probably be tracked.

Most likely…...

Yeah…… no…… It was definitely gonna be tracked.

“Okay, how about this? I'll call the government and explain that Al’s just not feeling well and we're going through some family issues,” Canada said.

The others just stared at him before nodding.

“I guess that'll work,” D.C. agreed.

“Talk to you later,” Canada hung up before calling his twin’s government.

They all knew each other's governments just in case of emergencies.

“Hello, Mr.Williams?” A government worker picked up.

“Yes, may I speak with the President?”

“Of course, hold on. I'll transfer you,” The guy on the other end said.

“Matthew?” The President's voice came through.

“Yes, hello sir. I called to clear up a few things.”

“Does it happen to be about Alfred?”

“Yes, Al hasn't really been feeling that good lately and we're all going through a family emergency so we've all been away from our phones lately.”

“I see… This is what D.C. and Maryland and Virginia been saying. Can I speak to Alfred?”

“Oh, he's not down yet sir.”

“Ok…. Well Matthew, I do need to speak with him and could you at least fill me in on a few details so I get a picture of what's going on? Also, what is Alfred sick with?”

“Well that's very private sir. But I can tell you that he has a little cold.”

“....... Matthew, where is Alfred? He just stopped coming after one day and he's not in D.C.”

“Oh, don't worry about that sir. He's safe with us.”

“Matthew, I know that. But I must know where he is. Will that be a problem?”



“I assure you sir. My younger brother is with us, his family, and is under our care until he is feeling better. He will check in with you afterwards and I apologize for the short notice. But we all need some privacy right now. Do I make myself clear?” Canada asked in a deadly calm voice.

“Yes….. you do. But listen to me Matthe-”

They all heard footsteps come down the stairs. Canada quickly hung up on the President.

Alfred walked into the room and noticed everyone staring at him. He shifted uncomfortably under everyone’s gazes before looking at his twin, “I heard you talking on the phone. Who was it?” He whispered.

“Don't worry about it Al,” He said quickly.

America frowned at this but nodded.

“So what do you want to do today Al?” Ecuador asked quickly changing the subject.

“Uh….. I don't know,” He shrugged.

“Well, we all should have breakfast first,” Venezuela said.

They all knew that was gonna be a challenge.

“I'm not hungry.” America quickly said.

Maria sighed, “Maska, you have to eat something.”

“I don't want too.”

Canada's phone started to ring causing everyone to look at him.

He looked at it and made a face causing the others to know who it was.

The U.S. Government.

“Who is it? Alfred asked noticing his brother's face.

“Umm….. England,” Canada rushed out the room. It was better for his brother to not know. After all America is somewhat of a workaholic. For him to recover faster it was better to give an illusion that everything was alright even if it isn't.

He sighed before picking up the phone, “Mr President.”

“Matthew, I'm getting the sense that you all are lying to me. Where is Alfred?”


“I am the President of the United States of  America and I need to know where my country is. What if North Korea or Russia has him?!”

“Sir, I can assure you he's with us.”

“That, I can believe. But as for his condition….. you all are nations, are you not?”

Canada knew where this was going, “We are….”

“So doesn't that mean that you are immune to any diseases and sicknesses unless there's….. say a hurricane or blizzard in your country?”

Oh crap, he was right.


“And I have the news on right in front of me at the moment. And weather in the country seems to be fine. No snow or storm or anything.”


“Now please, Matthew. Tell me, what's wrong with my country?”

Canada held his tongue. He knew he couldn't tell the President of his brother’s condition.

Who knows what they would do?

Call him crazy and put him in an insylum?

Yeah….. no thanks.


But if he puts Alfred on the phone, there's a chance of him getting yelled out for not picking up the phone which would scare him and maybe even backtrack his progress.

What could he do?

“My brother is not feeling well…. Please stop calling, he is safe and fine under the care of his family.”

There was silence on the other end.

“Very well than…”

Canada almost jumped for joy.

Was he going to leave them alone?

“If you won't tell me where Alfred is, than I'll just have to find him. Goodbye Mr. Williams.”

Canada felt his heart drop.

And there was only one thing on his mind.

Oh no.

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