Chapter 38

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It had been such a nice day.

Alfred laid with his siblings and Kuma on the hotel bed, he had enjoyed a day of relaxing, movies, and more relaxing. 

It had been so long since he had felt so happy.

And it felt so nice. 

"I say," Maria started, "We watch The Lion King next," She ate handful of popcorn.

They had ordered up a lot of snacks and some food and just spent the day watching movies together. Mainly Disney and Dreamworks.

Alfred shook his head, "I would say yes but that movie always tears me up," He faked a sniffle. 

Canada laughed, "Okay, how about a Shrek movie?"

"Noo!!!" Diego protested, "The Penguins of Madagascar."

See? He had missed moments like this.  

Maria looked at her brothers, "Rock, paper, scissors for the next movie."

"You're on," Diego smirked. Canada smiled and nodded.

The three got in position, "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-"

Alfred's phone rang.

He looked surprised for a moment, completely forgetting he had a cellphone. He had been given it by the President before leaving for the meeting. During his time at the White House, he hadn't been permitted to have a phone at all.

They didn't want him contacting anyone.

His siblings watched him as he contemplated answering it or not.

"Al," Canada said slowly, "You know you don't have to answer it."

No... America shook his head... he- he should. .. He was with his family now. His family was here with him and he was safe.. Yeah, his cousins all swore they would protect him, and yeah...

Yeah, and they weren't liars..

He was so sorry he ever called them that.

He shakily answered the call, "Hello?"

"Alfred!!" The president yelled at him, "I've been trying to get in contact with the agents and none of them are picking up!! What happened!?! Did you do something!?! Did you get in contact with the kidnapp-"

"Don't call them that." He said in a dark tone.

The president stopped for a moment..... "You did, didn't you?"

America growled, causing his siblings to look even more concern. "Leave me alone."

"I tried helping you America," His boss finally spoke, "I tried getting you stronger, I tried helping you as Alfred and America. But you clearly want to keep America open to attack, you clearly want to see America fall-"

"No!!" Alfred yelled as tears started to fall.

"You clearly don't care about America!!"

"No stop!!" He yelled, shaking his head. That wasn't true, he knew it wasn't true... This wasn't true..

"Leave me alone!!"

"You hate your country!! You want to fail your people!! You want to fall, don't you?"

"No!!" Alfred yelled out, "Stop!!"

"Al..." Canada moved to take the phone away from him.

"Please...." America begged as his tears picked up, he didn't know how much more he could take.

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