Chapter 26

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America woke up. Sunlight was streaming into the room.

Wow, he had been really tired.

Hey wait, he recognized this place. This was his bedroom in the White House. Looks like everything that's been happening took a serious toll.

¨Have a good sleep Alfred?¨ A voice asked and he jumped. He looked to see an agent standing by the door.

How did he not notice him?

¨Uhh.... Yeah,¨ He said shyly, ¨How long have you been here?¨

The agent laughed, ¨Don't worry, I will say I've been here for about 4 hours now, but it's just Boss's orders. A few others and I been taking turns. This is just for protection.¨

¨Oh,¨ America nodded, ¨Okay.¨

¨By the way,¨ The agent added, ¨Can I get your phone? Just in case they try to contact you.¨

America thought about it before shaking his head, ¨I don't remember taking it. I guess I left it.¨

The agent nodded, ¨Well, I guess I'll leave you to get ready.¨ He gave America a nod and left.

Alfred watched him go and laid back in bed. This felt so wrong for some reason. For some reason.....

And he couldn't shake off the bad feeling..... For some reason.


¨He says that he may have left it, back in Mexico I'm guessing,¨ The same agent, who was just with Alfred, said to the President.

His boss nodded, ¨They probably not going to give it to us..... Well, as long as America does not have it, it's alright. Contact with other nations will expose his weakness. Giving them motivation to attack. And he needs to focus.¨ He turned to an aide, ¨My country will not become crazy, America will not fall.¨

The aide nodded, ¨You suppose that putting him to work so soon will be okay?¨

¨He is the only superpower, he's use to being under pressure. Monitoring him will help us get to know his behavior and know how to strengthen him in weak areas due to this.......¨ The Pres shook his head and spoke with disgust, ¨Mental breakdown.¨

Honestly, this would not be tolerated.


Alfred stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. The warm water had helped relax him and the sinking feeling he had in his stomach.


He whimpered, it was pretty quiet here. And while the quiet was relaxing, he didn't like it. He wasn't what he was use to. His family wasn't the quietest.

The noise and excitement..... He kinda missed it-

No, they kidnapped him. They betrayed him, he didn't miss them, he couldn't.

And yet, he wished his big brother or one of his cousins were here to comfort him. They were good at that..... He wondered how his baby brother and sister were doing-

No. Don't think about them..... They only hurt him..

Alfred sniffled..... No, actually.

He started to cry.

He felt so confused, so hurt, so betrayed..... So alone.

Where was Mattie? His big brother was safe and warm and protective-

And a traitor, his whole family was........ Family.... Okay.... So maybe he wouldn't disown them but still... they were still terrible for what they did.

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