Chapter 24

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It was exactly 10:30 am when 5 black cars pulled up to the driveway.

One man from the first and last two cars opened stepped out. One of them walked to the third car and opened the door.

A tall, well dressed man stepped out the car and nodded a thanks to him. He started to walk to the front door of the house.

"Sir," One of the people in black said, "Are you sure you don't want to stay in the car? We can retrieve Alfred ourselves."

The President of the United States shook their head, "No, I want to greet my country. It's been awhile, I couldn't have just stayed at the White House or in the car." He shook his head, "That family of his... keeping him from us."

They walked up to the front steps and one of the secret service agents rang the doorbell.

There was no answer.

The same agent rang it again and knocked on the door.


Still no answer,

Another agent decided to try and was met by the same thing...........

"This is the right address," An agent said confused, "There are cars in the driveway and this is where the call was traced."

"They must not be answering us," The President spoke.


Maria rubbed her eyes and looked through the peephole again.

Nope, she wasn't dreaming.

The fucking President of the United States of America and some secret service were all standing right outside the door.

What the Hell?

How the heck?

How did they find them?

"Mar?" Brazil walked towards her, "Who is i-"

"Shh!!" She put a hand over his mouth, "The President-"

That caught everyone's attention.

Brazil gulped and tried to look hopeful, "Of Mexico?"

Maria only sighed, "I wish."


"You're not serious," Peru said in disbelief.

Venezuela looked so shocked, "How? Who? We've been doing such a good job avoiding them."

Everyone looked to see what the oldest of the family had to say. Ecuador was massaging his temples and just shook his head, "It's too late.. We have cars in the driveway and they obviously know we're here. The only thing we can do is open that door."

They heard footsteps upstairs.

Canada felt his heart clench and tears formed. "I think I know who.."

It hurt so much, after all they did for him. How could he?

Alfred walked downstairs and made eye contact with his family.

Diega didn't care anymore, "Why!?!" He yelled, "After everything we did!!! We protected you from them!!"

America slightly stepped back and flinched.

'He's not ready to go yet', Colombia thought but didn't say anything.

"You didn't have to protect me from anything or anyone," Alfred spoke, "All you did was keep me from my duties as a country, as the superpower," He growled, "I'm fine."

He walked towards the door and nobody stopped him.

"Keep lying to yourself America," Canada only said.

It would only hurt him in the end.

"I'm fine," He whispered, "Why do you think I'm crazy?"

In his own way, he sounded heartbroken.

He truly believed his family betrayed him.

Kuma watched everything unfold from upstairs.

America opened the door and smiled.

He was going home, he was safe.


"Alfred," The President smiled, he put a hand on his country's shoulders, "Let's get you home, my boy."

America nodded and walked out the house.

Away from his family.

The president let the agents lead America to a car and turned back to South and the rest of North America, he simply shook his head. "You all have a good one."

And as he turned away, they all swore he had a smirk on his face.

I win.

As the President got into the same car as America and an agent was about to close the door. Maria ran out to the car and looked straight at her brother.

America- no. Alfred looked straight at her.

"I- I-" She took a deep breath as Ecuador came and put a hand on her shoulder.

His oldest cousin didn't say anything.

"I love y-" She suddenly stopped.

It was as if Maria couldn't get herself to finish.

Why did that hurt?

"Take care of yourself," She simply said, she looked as his boss and back at him.

You're gonna need it.

Maria backed away and let her cousin take her back inside the house.

They immediately shut the door with no one looking back.

As the car drove away... America...... Alfred for some reason couldn't help but feel so sad.

So alone.

"I'm sorry about what they did to you Alfred," His boss said.

He didn't hear him.

He was too busy thinking, about everything. How his brothers stayed in the house watching him go... Actually, only Diego was at the doorstep.

Canada- Matthew - Mattie was in the house.

Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and Paraguay were the only cousins outside too.

The rest of them didn't even see him go.

Or say goodbye.

Ecuador didn't even say anything to him.

And Maria..... His precious baby sister didn't even finish what she was going to say to him at first.

'Take care of yourself,' She had said.

He felt his heart start to hurt, why hadn't she finished what she was going to say?

'I love you too' He sniffled.

They had betrayed him, but this still hurt.

"Are you okay Alfred?" The President asked concerned.

"Uh, yeah," He nodded.

He remembered how they had closed the door so quick.

And for some reason... that... it...

It had... for some reason, broke his heart.

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