Chapter 12

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The sun was shining after all that rain it seems that the sky has ran itself dry. Almost everyone was up and early. Alfred was still asleep but the rest of his family is downstairs having another small meeting.

The main topic was the other nations and Alfred’s recovery. After all, after Alfred met the other nations yesterday it seemed that he had started shaking more. Instead of making progress, everything seems to get worse and worse . Something that North and South America tried to prevent.

“Isolating the other nations from America was good idea.” Ecuador said. “But now they know where he is. Alfred knows the nation's are nearby. It won't be surprising if he tries to isolate himself from us again.”

“We also have to find a way to get him to start eating again,” Maria said.

Canada nodded, “That's a big one.”

Peru started to speak, “The only thing I can think of is just getting him to eat little by little. We can't force him to eat a whole sandwich. Maybe, let's go for a quarter of it?”

Brazil nodded at that, “That's a good goal, now just hopefully we can get to it.”

“It'll take some time, but we can do it,” Argentina said.

“I think we should give that intervention thing a try again,” Chile said, “Or at least get Al out in nature.”

Venezuela nodded, “Maybe we can try and do something with him today.”

“Maybe we could take him to the forest or a lake or something,” Diego said, “He did want to go outside yesterday.”

Ecuador nodded at the suggestions, “Back to the topic of the nations, now. I kinda feel bad for the ones who didn't do anything. We said that we'll let them see Al when he started showing progress. When he starts showing that, I think bringing some of his friends and other siblings in will help him get better a bit. Especially the ones he laughs alot with like South Korea, Jamaica and Australia.”

“They do say laughter is the best medicine,” Suriname said.

“But what about persistent countries like England or Russia?” Maria asked.

Canada suddenly had a dark aura, “No. They won't- they're not seeing Al. I don't give a damn about they wanting to see him. They caused this, and l’ll be damned if they hurt him again.”

His family could only nod.


“Dad? You okay?” New Zealand asked.

England was sitting on the hotel bed, looking down.

He just sighed and shrugged.

New Zealand frowned, ever since yesterday. England looked very…… very…

What was the word?


There it is.

England’s mind was still on America. He would never forget the look on his son's face last night.

“He looked so afraid of me,”  He muttered. “My son was afraid of me.”

England's children who were there, all looked at each other with worry.

“Uh, Dad maybe you should go out and get some air,” Ivory Coast said.

“I did this to your brother….. I did this,” He muttered to himself, shaking his head.

England's younger kids looked to the older ones for help.

“Uhh... Maybe we should go eat?” India said to try and get his father's mind on something else.

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