Chapter 25

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It was weird.

3 hours had passed and Canada found himself still staring out the window.

He just couldn't bring himself to look away from it.

But why?

He knew Alfred wasn't coming back.

¨Kanata,¨ He heard Ecuador say, "You need to eat."

"He wasn't ready," He simply said. He knew they all knew it.

His cousin only sighed and nodded, "I know. But he was determined to get away from us. You know him, once determination takes him.... Or maybe any American.... They stop at nothing to get want they want."

It wasn't spoken but, both of them heard it in the silence.

He wanted to get away from us.


Alfred felt his eyes droop once more but shook his head and once again fought off sleep.

He was on a plane now and had been for awhile but tried not to go fall asleep, his mind was just elsewhere.

It was on them.


They had technically kidnapped him all across North America.

Yeah, they had been in the wrong on this. He had been the victim......

America stopped....

Victim....... No, he didn't like that. He didn't like it at all... He was the hero...

So they were the..... Bad guys..... The villains..?

He slightly shifted uncomfortably, no.... He wouldn't call them that.. They were just..... They just took him without his consent, that's all.

"So Alfred," His president asked and he turned to him, "I know you're tired and I probably should wait to ask you this but I really do want to know. Why did this all happen? Why did they take you?"

He sighed, he wish he truly knew the answer to that too. What they had told him was that he was basically crazy,

He wasn't.

"They thought I was crazy," He whimpered.

His boss had a look of shock and confusion on his face, "What do you mean crazy?"

"They- they said I had a breakdown and-"

"Did you?"


"Did you have a breakdown.... A mental breakdown?"

He shifted again, he started to have a bad feeling. "I- No.... Maybe- I don't know."

"Matthew lied to me and said you were sick," He muttered. So Alfred hadn't been sick but had not been feeling well.

This wasn't good. Other nations and world leaders couldn't find out about this.

This was a sign of weakness. Who knows what they would think of the most powerful nation in the world, in this state?

This state of weakness?

No, they would think he was weak and try and take advantage.

They couldn't allow that.

The rest of North America and all of South America already knew about this.... Wait, France too. Nobody else could. Nobody could see him weak.

They wouldn't allow this.

"You're not crazy Alfred. They just wanted to see you weak. Keep you weak."

Alfred looked up, "Really? Are you sure?"

The Pres nodded, "I'm glad you called us."

America wasn't weak.

The pilot came on the intercom and called for seat belts, landing would be soon.

He wasn't allowed to be weak.

Alfred slowly nodded, "I am too," Why did that feel wrong?

The plane started to descend, Washington started to get bigger in view.

"Welcome home America," He smiled.

We'll make you strong again.

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