Chapter 22

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"Well?" Alfred asked impatiently, "Are any of you gonna answer?"

He was so sick of them keeping him out of everything. First, he was moved to Texas from Canada for some reason. Next, Canada is getting freaking phone calls for some reason and he won't clarify why.

And now, they had moved him to freaking Mexico!!

"Why are we here?" He asked sternly, "Why am I here?"

It was like a road trip across North America.

And he was fucking sick of it!!!!!

His family all knew he was getting annoyed with this but they were keeping secrets from him for his own good.

"Al," Ecuador said, "We just decided to come-"

"No!!" America yelled, "I want to know!! Why are we here!?!" He slammed his fist down on the table.

It cracked.

"Alfred," Brazil said, "Calm down."

"You all are a bunch of liars!!" He yelled.

They stared at him. That hurt.

He looked at his siblings, "I'm moved from Canada and then moved to Mexico, what's going on!!?! Not even you guys will tell me anything!!! We're supposed to be family!!!" He shook the table and a cup fell of and smashed onto the ground.

Canada tried keeping his cool, "We're here because we just wanted to come here, it's been awhile since-" He was cut off.

"You're still lying to me!!" He yelled, "I deserve to fucking know!! You're suppose to be my family!!"

"We are damn it!!" Maria yelled, shocking everyone. No one expected her to yell at her brother, "We are your family!! You want to why we've been been keeping secrets from you?! Because your fucking government!!!"

"What?" America asked, wide eyed.

Paraguay tried to calm her down but she kept going, "We've been trying to protect you all along!!! Your government's been trying to track you down and if they find you in your condition, who knows what they'll do!!! We've been trying to keep you safe!!" She pulled her hair, "And you've just been calling us liars and don't even want to be around us!! And when you are around, you rush and leave quickly!!!" She looked him dead in the eye, "Don't you think that hurts us!?!"

Alfred stared at her, "You lied to me... All of you... You don't think I can handle my own government?"

Maria just stared at him in disbelief. Argentina started to talk, "Yes we lied to you. But we did it to protect you.... That's the only reason.... But you don't even want to be around us.. Maska, we never would try and go behind your back like that.... It's always been all of us, it hurts us to see you like this, we don't want to see you like this-"

"I can handle my own government," He glared at them, "I'm the superpower, I don't need you guys to keep me-"

"We fucking know you're the superpower!!!" Canada suddenly said, "And we're all proud of you for it. But sometimes you need others to help you. Al, we're trying to protect you.. We always have been!!! In your condi-"

"You think I'm crazy?"

"What?" Diego asked, "No."

Maria threw her hands up and walked out the room, she couldn't anymore. This was painful for her and all of them. Yes, they understood Alfred was mad and yes, they knew they had gone behind him but this was still painful. They had only been trying to protect him.

"Alfred," Venezuela sighed, "We don't think your crazy. Please listen-"

"Why should I?" He asked, "You're probably lying."

"Okay," Uruguay said, "That's enough. We're not lying to you Maska-"

"Don't call me that," He growled.

Suriname crossed his arms, "Why not? We always have."

"Only my family can call me that name."

Columbia dropped the plate in her hand in shock and America was pushed up against the wall.

By Canada.

"How can you say that!?" He yelled, "We've always been there for you!! We've always stood by for you, we lied to fucking protect you!! I lied to the fucking President of the United States of America for you!!! We are putting our necks out for you!! And you think we're not your family!!"

Ecuador put his hand on Canada's shoulder and the younger nation let his twin go.

Alfred looked at his brother and opened his mouth to say something but closed it as he made eye contact with Ecuador. His oldest cousin said nothing.

America took on last look at them all and walked upstairs.

Diego went over to Canada, his older brother just let out shaky breath and leaned on the wall. He slid down it and put his head in his hands.

Diego stared at him, he never seen his older brother so hurt before. He never seen Canada look so willing to give up.

And for the first time in all of this, Diego saw no light at the end of this tunnel.

Maria came down, she looked shocked, she had heard everything. What could they even do anymore?

South America could only sadly watch as the Mexicos sat down next to Canada on both sides and laid their heads on their big brother's shoulders. Canada wrapped his arms around them and sighed.

The rest of North America looked on the bridge of giving up.

"Que hacemos ahora?" Diego sighed. (What do we do now?)

Both of the younger twins looked at their big brother.

He only sighed again, "I don't even know."

The Mexs looked at their older cousins. They had to know.

South America looked at each other before turning back. "Sorry guys," Brazil only said, he sat on the ground next to them and just sighed.

Nobody knew how they were gonna come back from this. Nobody knew how they were gonna fix this.

They didn't even know what to do next.

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