Chapter 3

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Once the directors finished giving their little speeches, we all head outside. We head out to the football field that the band practices on. It is hilly and looks to have holes in places. The grass looks dead for the most part. There is  some kind of tall metal podium sitting on the edge of the field. It was silver and has a ladder attached to it on one side and a railing at the top.

Mr. Gregg directs all us students onto the field. The section leaders then help line us up in rows along the yard lines on the field.  There are 8 of us across standing on this line between two white dashes that everyone keeps referring to as hashes. The section leaders call our rows a "block". Once everyone has a spot to stand, Mr. Boston, Mr. Gregg and Ethan moved to the front of said "block".

The three of them started talking to themselves before they turn their attention back to us. Boston is the first to speak. "Ok. The first thing you have to know is..." he trails off. After I a few seconds I realize he wants someone to tell him.  He starts looking around the band for an answer. He didn't get one. Ha. Totally saw that one coming. Nobody ever volunteers an answer.  "No one? Alright." Mr. Boston lets out a sigh. He looks a little disappointed but he snaps right out of it. "The first thing you have to know is how to stand." I look at him in disbelief. Standing? Really? What do they think I'm doing right now? I've known how to stand since I was a baby.  I guess they weren't kidding about the whole "basic" thing. This band thing is about to be a piece of cake.

Mr. Boston called "set" and Ethan snapped into a more postured position. Not going to lie, his puffed out chest looked pretty amazing to me. I know I shouldn't think that, but  I can't help it. He's got some nice pecs. 

"Alright everyone, especially you newbies, take note of Ethan's current posture," Mr. Gregg said. Oh, believe me, I am. "Ethan's back is straight. His shoulders line up with his hips, knees, and ankles.  He's looking straight ahead with the thousand yard stare just above the horizon. His hands are at his sides and his arms are bent just right. He is keeping his shoulders back. His feet are in a "v" shape and his weight is distributed evenly. Both legs are straight, but his knees are not locked. Most importantly, he is NOT looking around and he is NOT talking.  I want all of you to copy his posture. Ready?"

Mr. Boston called "set" again and everyone, including myself, copied Ethan's position. Some people were a little slower than others (myself included) on the uptake and there was snickering, but we all eventually got into position.

Mr. Boston, Mr. Gregg, and Ethan begin to walk around the band. We are instructed to stay as we are until told otherwise. I must admit, this was some pretty hard work just standing here, waiting for one of them to make it to me and tell me if I was correct or not. I guess standing is more difficult than I thought.  They are taking their sweet old time to fix everyone's positions, even those that I assumed to be veterans.

I notice that Ethan has turned down my row and is coming my way. As I wait for him to get to me, my mind is racing at a  mile a minute. Holy crap! What do I do? Should I purposely do something wrong?   Should I try to look perfect to make a good impression?  What do I say?  Do I say anything? Do I smile? Whoa. What if he touches my arms or something? What if I giggle? Oh crap. I'm totally getting sweaty. What if he notices? Why do I even care? He's out of my league and has a girlfriend. I wonder if she's here. Can she see me? Is she behind me glaring? Can she tell I'm thinking about her boyfriend? Am I going to hear about this? Who even is this Jessica girl? She probably already hates me. Great start, Zoey. Way to go.

 Before I can think for too long, Ethan turns to me and steps in front of me.  He's got a little bit of a smirk on his face. Not like that scumbag kind of smirk, more of the older brother going along with his little sister's game kind of smirk. He walks in a circle around me and it feels like he is checking me out. I feel embarrassed and begin to feel insecure. It's not like I look attractive at this moment. I'm wearing essentially gym clothes with my hair in a messy bun with pieces falling out all over the place and no makeup. Not even sunglasses to avoid eye contact.  I start to get nervous and I fidget a little bit. 

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