Chapter 38

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Since I didn't know where we were going, I just asked Noah what I should wear. He told me a t-shirt and jeans are fine. I might want to bring a hoodie in case it gets cold. So I put on some jeans and I found an old T-shirt from Aéropostale. I grab my band hoodie just in case.

Around 5, I begin to pace around my room frantically. I'm so nervous for this date. What are we doing? where are we going? is this all to soon? did I make the wrong choice?

Questions just kept going in and out of my head for an entire hour. Before I have time to really regret my choice, I get a text from Noah saying he's here.

I head downstairs and tell my mom I'm going out with Noah tonight. She doesn't even think twice about it. "Okay , have fun! Love you!"

I walk out the door and hop into the passenger side of his minivan. His windows are down and his stereo is blasting some music I don't recognize.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," I respond.

"You look good," he blushes a little.

"Thanks," I say while brushing a hair out of my face. We just kind of sit there for awhile at a loss of words.

After awhile, he gets onto the freeway. "So, where exactly are we going?" I ask as the song in the car changes to "cough syrup".

"We're going into downtown cleveland. I've got a couple tickets for the Indians game."

"Awesome! who are we playing?" I ask.

"Orioles," Noah responds. I sense him relax a little without even noticing that he had tensed up. "Are you a fan?"

"Yea! I used to go to games all the time growing up," I explain. "I'm not really up to date with the team though. I haven't gone to a game in a few years. Not since, not since dad died."

I feel myself start to choke up a little. In my mind, I start to zone back to when I was little. Daddy used to take just me to the games and he'd buy my a hot dog. We'd even split cotton candy sometimes. I remember the smile I had on my face when he caught a ball for me. Afterwards, he would carry my on his shoulders. It was one of the fondest memories I had of him.

I awakened from the memory by Noah when he placed a hand on my knee and gently squeezed. "I understand. My parents used to take us all the time. Once Andy graduated though, we stopped going. It's a shame. I always enjoyed the games. Good times."

I smile a little and try to imagine a little Noah riding on his dad's shoulders too.

It's not too long before we arrive at the stadium. Just in time for the game to start too.

I let Noah lead the way inside the stadium. We passed a lot of concession stands, but he just suddenly stops in front of one. "You want something?"

I answer " nah, I'm good," but my stomach betrays me with a growl.

Noah laughs. "How about a hot dog?"

I just nod my head.

Once we have a couple hotdogs and a coca cola to share, we find our seats in section 311. They're pretty decent seats too. Right behind the right foul line. We're high enough to see everything, including the megaton. The game begins and at first, is pretty Uneventful. For the main part, me and Noah just exchange memories we have of coming here.

At some point, we score and a firework goes off. It takes both of us by surprise, but still we let out a loud cheer.

The game goes on and on. Once the sun went down, it started to get really cold. I put my hoodie on, but it was still freezing.

A concession dude came by during the 8th inning and Noah didn't even hesitate to buy two hot chocolates.

"Here you go," he says while handing me one. "It even comes with a cool cup you can keep."

"Thanks Noah. you're the best." I smile and take a sip. "Hopefully it's enough to warm me up. It's pretty chilly out here.

"You're cold? I got you." he puts his cup in the cup holder and starts to raise he arm. "May I?"

I nod my head yes and he puts his arm around me. I waist no time in snuggling into him. He's so warm. It feels so nice. Huh. It occurs to me that Ethan never really asked before he touched me, he just did, usually in unwanted ways. What a difference it makes.

During the 8th inning, the orioles score because of a field error. "Uh oh," I say.

"Looks like we might be getting an extra inning in here," Noah answered.

He squeezes me a little tighter. "You don't mind do you?"

"As long as I'm with you, no. "

"Good," he says. "Because tonight they're doing a fireworks display."

"That's cool! I've never gotten to see them before."

Noah looks down at me and smiles. "Then you're in for areal treat."

We hadn't really noticed the 9 th inning had just ended or that the camera for the mega screen was focusing on our made it's way over everyone who were waving and dancing. We were the only ones not really moving, since in that moment, we just seemed to be lost in each other's eyes.

That's probably why they decided to focus on us. We were in happy oblivion until we heard the crowd begin to chant "kiss, kiss, kiss.".

We blushed when we realized it was us they wanted to kiss. We just say there for awhile unsure of what to do, until finally Noah turns to me and places his hand on my face. "May I?"

I nod yes and he leans in to kiss me and the stadium goes nuts. This kiss was almost as good as the first one, if not better.

For the remainder of the game ( which ended up going into an 11th inning in which one of our guys hit a home run), we just snuggled together in our own world.

The fireworks afterwards were absolutely stunning. I loved every explosion. The fact that it was all set to music made it even cool.

We asked a women behind us if she would take a picture or two for us. She happily obliged. The first one had us standing with the fireworks in the background. The second was us kissing in front of it.

They came out great and we thanked the nice woman. they rest of the show was even more spectacular. I've never seen so many fireworks in my life.

When the show is over, we applause and clear out of the stadium. On our way to the parking garage, we hold hands. I've never felt anything like the connection we had when our hands touched.

All too soon we reached the car and had to let go.we hope in and have a karaoke session on the way home to some of our favorites.

Around 12:30, we reach my street and pull into my driveway. Noah turns down the music and unlocks the doors.

"I had a great time tonight," I say.

"Me too. We should," he clears his throat. "Do it again sometime."

"Yea we should. " I lean over and hug him and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll see you at school.

"Ditto." I open the door and get out. I reach my doorstep and wave back to him as he drives away.


Hey. What do you think of their first date? I hope you liked it. This is probably what is want for a first date. Comment your thoughts. Thank you! Keep up the votes and support! I really appreciate it.

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