Chapter 13

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It was about 8 o'clock at night when our Mom began to come to.  She was groggy and confused and it took a long time before she began to understand where she was and what was going on. Amanda and I stayed and visited with her until about 9:30p.m. At that time, a  different nurse from earlier came into the room and said "You girls should go home and get some sleep. It's been a long day for all of you, I'm sure, and the rest will help your mom recover. Plus visiting hours are long over and I don't know how much longer I can prevent my supervisor from coming in here and throwing you out." 

We all agreed this was a good idea. I stood up and stretched my legs. Not only were they stiff from sitting in those uncomfortable hospital chairs for hours, but they were sore from marching as well.  Amanda left her cell phone number with the nurse in case something happens during the night. The nurse walks us back to the elevator and wished us a good night. She waved at us until the elevator doors closed. 

When the elevator hit ground level, we make our way to the sliding door exit. We head to the car and get inside. We ride in silence until we pull into McDonald's to get some food. It's a good thing Amanda thought to stop because I was starving. I hadn't eaten since twelve. 

We eat on the way home and still not a peep from either of us. We pull into the driveway and step out of the car. We take our garbage with us and drop it in the trash can in front of the garage.  Once inside the house, I go take a nice long shower. It had been way too long of a day. I didn't realize it at first, but I was crying in the shower.  It was like the stress had hit me and the adrenaline had worn off. I couldn't believe how close I had been to losing my only parent left. I love my mommy. She can't go yet. I wouldn't be able to survive. She has so much left to teach me. I can't even bare the thought of having to grow up without her. 

I take a few deep breathes before I calm down enough. I shut off the water,  step out of the shower and dry off. I go to my room and put on my softest pajamas on. Even though I'm absolutely tired, I lie in my bed not able to sleep. I just stare at the ceiling watching the shadows until exhaustion finally takes over.


Amanda remembers to wake me up in the morning for band camp, but I'm not sure if I want to go or not. I mean I probably should, but I want to be with my mom. I'm sure Boston and Gregg would understand right? It's a family emergency. 

I ask my sister what I should do.  "Should I go today Amanda? I really don't think I want to but I know that I should. I mean I have a couple friends there that I enjoy being with, but most of the time it feels like band is just something everyone else wants me to do. Yesterday some trumpet broke my clarinet and I was more upset that mom would be mad at me for tryng to get out of band than I was that I wouldn;t be able to play anymore. Did I mention I switched instruments yesterday? I'm playing Mellophone with my friend Noah now. I'd feel bad if I didn't go and practice with him today, but I'll also feel bad if I don't go be with Mom. I just don't know what to do>"

She tells me "it's up to you, Zoey. I can't make decisions for you. However,  if I  were in your shoes,  I'd try to do both, I'd  go to the hospital for the morning and then just go to afternoon practice to work on music and sets."

I agree with her suggestion and get ready to go to the hospital. I pack my bag for band camp later and throw it in the car. This morning we're a little more lively, talking a bit. Apparently, Amanda had called the hospital earlier before she woke me up to find out about Mom. She's fine and we shouldn't worry, but we can't help it. 

When we arrive, mom is glad to see us and tried to give us hugs.  She's starting to go back to her normal self. All the medications she's on make her a little fatigued and loopy, but she's still smiling and laughing like our mom always does. We talk as a family for the majority of the morning until it is time for me to go to band at 12:30. 

I say goodbye to my mom and remind her that I'll be back later.   Amanda says she'll be right back after dropping me off. She offers to pick up some of Mom's things from the house on her way.  Before I leave the hospital, I have one of the nurses print me a note saying that I was here at the hospital, just in case I need it for band as an excuse and I put it in my pocket.

We drive with some music on and jam it out. Sometimes a little car karaoke is all you need to feel better.  It seems like all too soon we arrive at the school. I take my time gathering my stuff before  I get out  of the car and head inside.

I was running a bit later that I had intended. I walked in to the band room and everyone had been listening to Mr. Gregg speak. He stopped and everyone looked at me. It was all just really awkward. He looked like he was ready to yell at me, but I handed him my note. He read in and just asked me to take a seat.

I listened to the remainder of his speech until we were released to sectionals. On my way to the choir room, Mr. Boston approached me. "Hey. What's going on with you? Where were you? We need you here."

"I'm sorry," I explain. "My mom had a heart attack last night. I was at the hospital with her."

"Oh, I'm so sorry" he apologizes. "Is she alright?"

"Yea. She should be fine." I respond

He relaxes a little. "I'm glad to hear it, but you still missed a lot this morning. You should probably plan some sort of sectional with Noah to learn you're new sets either tonight or tomorrow.  We don't want you to be behind. Okay?"

"Alright. Sounds good," I say.

"Awesome." He pats my back. "Now go forth and make music!"

I walk away thinking the heat has finally gotten to him. Maybe that cucumber water isn't all it's cracked up to be. 

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