Chapter 28

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I get out of the car after Ethan drove me the few miles to the zip lining place. There was hardly anyone there, which I guess is good because it means no wait.

We head over to the one building so we can pay and get our harnesses. The woman behind the counter is very friendly and chats with us as one of the other workers head to a different room to find us harnesses and helmets.

Once we have our harnesses, we fit them to our bodies. The worker helps tighten the straps. When he's finished. He explains to us the latch. It's to be clipping in the the wire so that we can go gliding without falling. It has a twisty part that secures it shut so we don't fall off.

When we're sure we got it, we put out helmets on and head to the tree tops by climbing a ton of stairs. When we get to the top, I realize we're a good 300 feet up. It was terrifying. I began to shake.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Ethan asks me , grabbing my hand.

I try to look up to him. Boy, he sure does look cute in that helmet. "I just have a slight fear of heights. Nothing major," I manage to stutter out.

"Oh, I m sorry. If I knew. Gosh. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to," he says ready to go back down the stairs.

"But I do want to do this," I say. "I'm not that worried because I know you're here. "

He smiles. "That's true. And you know I would never let anything hurt you." He kisses my cheek. "So you ready to go first?"

I gulp and nod my head. Ethan helps me hook my latch to the wire. When I'm secure, he gives me a ouch and I'm off. At first, I scream my head off. I almost forget I'm secure because I was going so fast, but then I open my eyes. The view was absolutely breathtaking. I could see the entire Forrest and I could also see bits of the city between the trees. The sky was beginning to change colors. It was beautiful.

It was almost too soon that I was slamming into the padding on the tree on the other side. I go in slight shock, but then I snap out of it. I unclip myself and wait for Ethan.

"Well?" he asks when he reaches me.

"That was amazing!" I say. I get a huge old smile on my face.

"I'm glad you like it," he says, mirroring my big smile. "Good thing too because we still have 12 other lines to go on before we get down all the way."

"Ok," I say hooking myself to the next wire. "Last one down is a squeaky saxophone." I push off and start gliding down. I was having the time of my life up here.


After we finished, we stopped for Dairy Queen. I got a small Oreo cheesequake blizzard and he got a chocolate extreme one. We ate inside and enjoyed some small talk. Apparently Ethan knew a couple of the workers from schools, so he was shading some gossip about them.

When we finish, we get in his car and he starts to drive home. We get on my street, but before we get to my house, he pulls over on the side of the road. "Zoey, I had a great time tonight," he says, grabbing my hand. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

"Me too," I say. Leaning over to kiss him. When I do, he turns my quick kiss into a full make out. We unbuckle our seat-belts to become more comfortable.
He leans over to me more and puts his hands on my waist. He slowly begins running my sides. When I'm not paying attention, he pinches me. I gasp and he slips his tongue in my mouth. I'm completely caught off guard, but I love every second.

After awhile, his hands go wandering about and find one of my breast. He gives it a light squeeze and I push him away. "What?" Ethan says a little irritated.

"Little too far," I say. I'm blushing and try to brush some stray hairs from my face.

"Seriously? it wasn't even-" he stops and takes a deep breath. "Sorry. I am. Just couldn't help myself. You're so beautiful. It won't happen again."

"You said that last time," I say unlocking huge car door.

"I know, but I'm only human. I can't help the urges. When they happen, things happen.I'm sorry."

"Whatever," I say. I open the car door. "I can walk from here."

He sighs. "Okay my love. I'll text you in the morning. Goodnight! Sweet dreams!"

I look back and smile a little, but then I keep on walking to my house. It's only a few away so it's not that bad.

I get inside my house and head up to my room. I go in and flip down on my bed. Ugh. Why does Ethan keep forgetting my boundaries? I'm not comfortable with that stuff. I'm trying to stay pure and it's like he's doing everything in his power to challenge me. He can honestly be so frustrating.

I get up to take a quick shower and to put on my pajamas. I turn off my light and put my phone on my bedside table. I lay back on my bed with my mind still racing a mile a minute. All the thinking about Ethan had exausted me more than I thought because I just completely passed out.

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