Chapter 7

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Julia's sister is driving the three of us to the movie on this hot Friday evening. The theater is slightly farther away that Noah's mom is willing to let him drive since he only got his license a month ago. We are going to see "Despicable Me 2". I don't know about the other two, but I'm pretty excited. The first movie was really funny. I liked it a lot. Honestly, who can't get enough of those little minions? This girl, that's who.

We arrived at the Cinemark and bought our tickets. There was a bit of a line, but there always is. At least we were waiting in air conditioning. : So the movie is going to start in 20 minutes," I say. "We have just enough time to hit up the snack bar." We all bought blue Icees. Noah bought Dibs and a Milky Way. Julia and I  decided to split a popcorn and some sour patch kids. In my opinion, you can't watch a movie without popcorn.  It should be a federal law or something.  I love popcorn, especially when it has movie theater butter. Just the smell is enough to make my stomach growl. Band camp has made me hungry enough that I could probably eat a whole thing by myself, but I don't want to look like a pig in front of my fairly new friends. It's too soon to scare them off. That's more like a three month kinda thing. 

Noah, Julia, and I walked into the theater just as the commercials were beginning. It was one of those first look things. Some lady was talking about some movie while sitting in one of those actress chairs while someone worked on her make-up. We headed up to the top row since it was empty and had a great view as that lady talked about how filming her movie was the greatest experience of her life. We crossed the row and took out seats in the dead center of the theater.  I sat in the middle with Noah on my left and Julia on my right.

We made ourselves comfortable and started watching the previews. I fought Julia for the armrest and won. Noah was texting his mom before turning his phone off. Julia was opening the sour patch kids.  I was really getting into this preview for a movie called "Frozen" when Julia elbowed my side. I didn't turn to look at her right away so she did it again, but a lot rougher.  I almost dropped the popcorn. "Look down, 3 rows in front of us," she hissed in my ear

I look to where her finger is pointing and see two people, a couple of guys. No big deal. Maybe she thinks one of them are cute or something. I roll my eyes and go back to the preview. Julia elbows me again and the popcorn I was about to eat misses my mouth. "Ow!" She begins to point more vigorously at the boys.  I look a little closer and realize why she was pointing so much. "OMG! No way. Is that-?"

"Mhm," Julia whispers back. "It looks like it is."

Now Noah was following our gaze and joined in the conversation too. "Huh, and here I was thinking Ethan was incapable of friendship. I wonder how much he paid this dude to hang out with him."

I smack his arm and blush a little. Good thing it's dark and no one could see it. I want to be upset, but I have to admit that it was a really good burn. I try to stifle my laughter. "Don't be so mean. How well do you even know him?"

"Yea," Julia says. "From what I heard from Izzy, he is plenty capable of having friends... with benefits. "

I happened to be sipping my Icee when she said that and it came out my nose as I laughed. Noah laughed too and added on, "I believe the proper term here is prostitutes."

"No way. Seriously? I find it hard to believe he struggles in that department," I say. "Then again, you can't trust a man who wears pink sunglasses."With that, we all broke down laughing but quickly had to shush it as the movie was beginning.

As the movie started, Noah leaned over and whispered, "Just so you know I'm totally joking. He has better things to spend his parent's money on. Like himself, or getting the director's butts waxed so he can kiss them."

I gave him a soft smack and rolled my eyes. I smiled at him before going back to the movie.


"That movie was awesome!" I say as we load back into Izzy's car.  I noticed she picked up my sister at some point since she Amanda was crammed in here too. 

They must have gone to chipotle. I could smell it in the car. Apparently so could Julia. "What? No leftovers?" Julia said, tapping her sister's arm. " What kind of sister doesn't get her baby sister Chipotle too. How rude."

"The broke kind, that's who.  It's all ours. Besides, you just watched a movie. Don't complain," Izzy said. Julia began to pout. "Okay, fine. I guess you can have the rest. Julia grabbed a bag out of my sister's lap and passed it back. She then turned the radio up pretty loud.

Julia  got really excited! "I knew you wouldn't let me down. Best sister ever." Julia then opened the bag to find it just had napkins in it.  " I hate you, " she said throwing it on the floor. Julia flipped her sister off in the mirror but she just got ignored.

"What?" said Izzy as she tried to stop laughing. "There are a few chips in there somewhere. Maybe." Izzy and Amanda gave each other high five.

"I take back that sister comment," Julia replied. "Just remember this when Christmas comes around. Then you'll be sorry. "

"So anyway, that movie though," Julia says turning her attention back to me.

"Yeah. It was so cute. I'd see it again. I just adore those little minions," I respond. "What did you think Noah?"

"I honestly thought it was good. Could have been better but you know.  Not what I would normally pull off Netflix to watch, but I'm glad I went to see it with you guys. Besides, you know what I'm feeling now?"

"What?" Julia and I say in unison.


The entire car groaned at that pun. Izzy piped up "Um you can walk home with puns like that." This time everyone laughed. 

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