Chapter 21

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Hey y'all. Sorry I'm not writing as much as I was. I've got my own band camp going on. My senior year has officially begun. Being in leadership takes a lot of effort and time. Luckily, I was able to write this chapter. It's sorta long. Hope to write more soon. Enjoy :)


"Zoey, wake up."my mom shook me awake. It was still dark outside.

I roll over and brush the hair out of my face. "Mom, what the hell? it's only," I look for my clock. "6 in the morning."

She was just standing there bursting with happiness. "I know honey. I just don't want you to be late for your first day of high school."

Oh shit. I totally forgot about that. "Ugh. Do I have to go?" I ask already knowing the answer. I hop out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I do my stuff and take a shower. I dry my hair and go back to my room.

I pick out a cute pink dress with a couple of nice ruffles. I sit at my vanity mirror to fix my hair and add some makeup. I decide since it's the first day to go all out. Plus, since it's the first day and everyone tries to look nice, the directors don't make us march. Score!!

My mother drops me at school and I'm sent to my assigned home room to get my schedule. I walk in the room and the teacher asks my name. I say it and he hands me some stuff and tells me to take a seat.

I choose a desk and examine what I've been given. I had a school planner, a folder with a map of the school on it and my schedule. While sitting there, I decide to look for all my classrooms on the map.

Once it was 8:10 and everyone had taken their seat, the teacher introduced himself. "Hello. My name is mr. Shaker. These home rooms are just temporary and meant to give you guys the information you'll need for school. However, I do teach English and drama, so some of you might actually have me this year." He smiled and I checked my schedule. Sure enough, I had him for 7th period English.

Shortly after, there were announcements on the tv. It was the principal stating the basic school rules and polices. It seemed like pretty obvious stuff. Like "no hats" "pull your pants up" shirts have to have sleeves" and "fingertip length". All the same things I've been hearing since the first grade.

After 15 minutes, we're dismissed to our first class, which for me is band. I found out that apparently starting tomorrow, band has rehearsals every morning starting at 7. Great.

It wasn't long before Julia met up with me and we compared our scedules.

1 band. 1band.

2 geometry. 2geometry

3choir. 3 study hall

4 honors biology. 4honors biology

5lunch 5 lunch

6U.S history. 6U.s. history

7 honors english. 7honors English

8 phys.ed. 8 phys ed.

"Dang, looks like we'll be spending all day together," Julia says.

"Whoa. That's good," I say. "We'll never be lonely."

Shortly after, Noah joins us. I look at his schedule, not expecting I have any classes with him, since he's a year ahead, but I was surprised. we had band(obviously),geometry, choir, lunch and phys. ed. "Looks like I'll be seeing a lot of you too," I say to him.

He looks at our scedules and smiles. "I guess so."

Band ended up being nothing but a huge social hour. Afterwards, we headed to our real homeroom, geometry. We met our math teacher Mr. Calvert. Get was old and fat. From what I could tell, this would be a long year. I suck at math and he literally looked as excited about math as I was (which is not at all.)

After math, Julia goes down another hallway while me and Noah head to choir. "You know, I didn't know you sing."

Noah looks to me. "Yea, the director talked me into it last year and I ended up liking it, so I stayed. Plus, the girls swoon over me since the guys are almost none existent. boo yah!"i smack his arm. "What about you. I didn't take you as the singing type."

"Yea, well," I say. "I've kind of been singing as long as I could talk. My dad used to love it when I sang. He always smiled and encouraged me. So I just never really stopped."

"Cool," Noah says as we walk into the choir room to actually participate in choir. We sit near each other and wait for the bell.

When it rings, a jolly man walks in. He was like happy, but not overly happy. "Hey, y'all. My mr. Caster. I'll be your director this year. It's nice to see so many familiar and unfamiliar faces out there. Can't wait to meet all of you."

We sit there as all the section leaders introduce themselves. Afterwards we played a game to get to know the choir. It was fun and took most of the class.

It was honestly the highlight of my day.

I couldn't wait to get to biology to spill the beans to Julia. She probably could use a little excitement after study hall, or at least that's what I thought.

This One Time At Band CampWhere stories live. Discover now