Chapter 31

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Stacy still hadn't given birth at midnight. My mom called my cellphone and told me I ha to come home because it was a school night. I told Noah to just keep the toys until he didn't need them anymore. At least little Tyler had been asleep for a few hours so he shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

I went home and went straight to sleep. I was so exhausted from playing with Tyler all evening.

I woke up early the next day for band practice. We had a thing called a band spectacular coming up on Saturday so it meant extra long extra hard practices.

I showed up to the school a little early. I waited outside the band room door for one of the directors. While I was waiting, Noah showed up with a big smile on his face. "Hey," I say as he approached. "Did it happen?"

"Yup. I'm an uncle again. And Tyler is back at daycare today. Do you want to see some pics of my niece?"

I smile. "Heck yea!" He pulls out his phone and goes into his text messages. He pulls up the conversation with his brother and shows me a picture of a tiny baby girl. "Awwww! She's beautiful! What's her name?"

"Marissa Lynn," he says while putting his phone away.

"What a pretty name! Congratulations!" I pat him on the shoulder.

Mr. Gregg shows up then and unlocks the door for us. Most of the band shows up then as well. Everyone grabs their instruments and heads out to the field. We practice the same sets over and over. The tedious work tired everyone into not wanting to try. Me. Gregg gets a little angry and has us all run a lap to "wake up"

When practice is over, I go to put my mellophone in my locker and find a red rose inside. I pick it up and find a note attached: I'm sorry about Saturday night -Ethan.

"I see you got my note," I hear Ethan say behind me. I put my mellophone inside and close the door. I turn around to face him. "Am I forgiven?"

I sigh. "I guess. But you better not try any more of that shit again. I won't do it."

He smiles and says okay. He brings me into a big hug and kisses me in the band room. When I pull away, I see a few dropped jaws. I guess not everyone knew we were dating yet. "No purple!" I hear mr. Gregg call across the room and I blush. The bell rings and I rush out if the room.


In choir, I took my seat next to Noah. There was a substitute teacher standing there which pretty much screamed free day. Noah and I spent the period talking.

"You know, I didn't see mr. Boston this morning either. Wonder what's up with that," I say to Noah.

"He probably had a big fight with Gregg. He seemed to be in a fowl mood this morning. Maybe they broke up," Noah responds. He pulls out his phone and starts playing temple run.

"That would explain why he yelled at me and Ethan for kissing."

"I'm sure he probably would have done that either way. I would of too."

"What do you have against Ethan and me kissing?"

"Nothing," Noah says, trying to concentrate on his game. "I told you I think he's a douche and you could do better. You deserve better. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

I put my hand over his game and force him to look up at me. "Noah, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. Don't worry. "

He gulps and puts his phone away. "The bell should be ringing soon."we stand up and put our book bags over our shoulders. I grab the rose our of my bag and hold it as the bell rings.

We walk to class. "See? He got me a rose. He's not that terrible."

He takes the rose from me and reads the note "he's apologizing? Again? What did he do now? Did he pull that shit again? That bastard. You just say the word and I'll beat his ass. I have a black belt. He won't see it coming. I swear. Just tell me when and I'll do it. I'll do anything for you. "

His face was turning red with anger, so I calmed him down. "It's fine. I handled it. We made up this morning. Nobody needs you to open a can of whoop ass on them. Not yet."

He sighs. "I don't know why you keep forgiving him. One day he's going to cross a line and sorry won't cover it. "

"I know," I day as we approach the biology room. He's going to be late I think to myself. "But we don't have to worry about that because it hasn't happened yet. I'll see you later."

He gives me my rose back as the bell rings. "See you at lunch."


Hey y'all! I can't believe we're almost at a thousand views! This is amazing! You guys rock! Thanks for all the support! Remember to vote/ comment and share with your friends. Hope to update again soon. And to those who are starting band camp soon, make some good memories and have fun. :)

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