Chapter 10

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While the directors went looking through the storage rooms to find a mellophone that is in decent condition for me, I find my way  to the clarinet sectional to tell Aaron and Julia about my switch. I bring the "clarinet" along with me just for dramatic effect. When I walked into our sectional area, everyone shut up and stared at the remains of my clarinet.  I swear Aaron had tears running down his cheeks. I could tell he was feeling a little overdramtic today. 

 Aaron gently placed his clarinet on the floor and walked over to me.  He held out his hands and beckoned for me to gie him the remains. He took it in his hands and got on his knees and looked to the sky. "Why must the good die so young!?!" Aaron exclaimed.

The rest of us kinda just stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. I couldn't tell if he was purposely trying to be overdramatic to lighten the mood, or if he took his job as section leader way too seriously.  After realizing everyone was just staring at him like he just grew a second pair of eyes, he stood up and cleared his throat. He looks back to me and says "Who did this?"

"The trumpets," I tell him. He probably wanted a more specific answer, but that's all I had to go on. Besides, given his current state, I couldn't tell if he would just be mad at someone or try to murder them. Killing someone over a clarinet wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen in this town lately. In fact, two weeks ago a girl found a child's skeleton behind Toys R Us. We live in a messed up place with some messed up people. I don't know Aaron well enough to know if he's one of them or not. 

"Those monsters!" he screams. Maybe that answers that, I think to myself. He handed me my clarinet pieces back and put a hand on my shoulder. He bowed his head and said "I'm so sorry for your loss. This is truly a terrible way to die. Will you be having a burial or a memorial ceremony."

"Um, no?" I say slowly backing away until his hand falls off my shoulder. 

Julia comes up to me and starts to talk. I was very relieved. "So how was the meeting with Gregg and Boston? Are you going to be able to get a replacement?"

Aaron tried to perk up when he hears this. It's like someone just announced they're pregnant or something.  I swear this guy takes his job way too seriously. It's a clarinet for a band that he'll probably never see again after he graduates in 9 months.  He strikes me as the kind of guy that's never had a girlfriend. He's a nice guy and all. He could be a total gentleman if it weren't for the crazy boiling just beneath the surface. Maybe it's a good thing I'm getting away from him.

"Well," I say. I take a small pause because I'm not entirely sure how to break the news to them.  It feels like this is a sensitive matter. I've only known these people for a week, but yet I'm sort of attached to them in a way. I decide I might as well let the cat out of the bag. I rip the band-aid off. "We decided that, um, I'll actually be switching instruments."

Aaron gasps. "You traitor! After everything I've done for you!" 

I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulders.  The best way to deal with crazy is to play along with it. "It's not you. It's me. I can't afford a new clarinet and I can't just sit around idol until the school gets one fixed up at the shop in a couple of weeks. I just think it's time for me to see someone else." Not the whole truth, but enough to make him feel better. 

He then laughs "You know I'm just messing with you right? I'm not that crazy"  One of the other seniors in the section nods his head vigorously saying no behind him. That's what I thought. Never trust a crazy person.   "We'll be sad to see you go," Aaron says to me.  

"Who's the lucky fellow?" Julia says, elbowing my side.  I must look pretty confused because she then adds "You know, where are you going? What did you switch to?"

 I shrug my shoulders. "Noah I guess," I tell her. "I'm switching to mellophone. Boston and Gregg are looking for one so I can play it at this very moment."

Julia smiles and gives me a hug. "You know I think you'll just make his day. Take a mop. He might just pee himself if he gets too excited." We both laugh.

"Well, I ought to go back and see what they found for me. I guess I'll be seeing you all around the field. Don't be strangers," I say before I walk away. they all call goodbyes after me.  You'd think they'd never be seeing me again. They'll see me in 2 hours at full band rehearsal. Band kids are so weird sometimes.

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