Chapter 45

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Of course it's raining. For some reason it always seems to rain on senior night(at least that's what I've been told,) but that didn't seem to dampen the seniors spirits. They were just excited and ready to go. I guess the fact that we were facing our biggest rivals tonight as well also added to the excitement.

As we left the stands to prepare for halftime for the last time this season, I started to feel a little overwhelmed by my feelings. I mean, what am I going I do with my life once band is over?

We head under the bleachers and do our warm-up scales. Those go bye quickly and we line up for how we'll be for the show. We split into 3 groups. A back field group, a front field group, and the seniors. Some of them already look ready to cry.

We set up and watch as the other band murders (and I do mean quite literally killed) thriller. The dancing was nice, but you couldn't tell what song it was. I prayed that we wouldn't let our seniors leave the field to something that bad.

The other band marches off the field and leaves the canvas open for us. The band marches on to a cadence into our first set of jaws. We the underclass men were a person about to get Eatten by the seniors (aka the shark).

Once the show started it went by too quickly. We played through the daft punk medley and the seniors did their little dance. After that, we performed the phantom of the opera (a throwback to their sophomore year.) last of all, the seniors played fight song on the field for the last time before marching off.

Once we got behind the stands, the tears were flowing. It was hard to see so many people you know cry around you. Especially, since I wasn't actually close enough to comfort any of them.

By the end of the third quarter, the seniors spirits had Been lifted. They saw that we were beating the other team and the other band had chickened out and gone home.

The end of the game came and we cheering as team ran over to us to play the alma mater. I believe we also cheered because it meant we could get out of this terrible rain.

I ran to noah's car and we drove back to the school to drop of instruments and uniforms. While the seniors were busy taking photos and selfies, We managed to sneak back out of the building.

Once in the car, Noah drives home blasting some feel good music. Too quickly, he drops me off at my house to get ready for the party. Tonight we get to wear costumes since it's close to Halloween. I put on my bacon costume and wait for Noah to come pick me back up.

I don't know who shocked who more. Both our jaws dropped. I was bacon, but he was a girl.

"Um, nice wig?" i say as I hop back into the car.

"Thanks, girlfriend," he says while waving his hand at me. He was trying to imitate a girl and was doing pretty good at it. Even his voice was somewhat accurate. "btw, your costume is sizzling."

I couldn't help but laugh as I said thank you. It didn't help that at this point, Barbie girl came on over the speakers and he started singing along. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way to the party.

By the time we arrive, the party is in full swing. By some miracle, it stopped raining and everyone was happily gather around a bonfire. When we walk in everyone's attention turns to us. We were drenched in compliments from everyone about how awesome our costumes were.

We ate pizza and drank come as we all shared our favorite band memories. At some point, this junior named Dylan came dressed as a piñata and started throwing candy at everybody. It was totally wicked.

Mid- party, some of the band moms came out to judge our costumes. Dylan got first for the boys, and Noah got second while I was first for the girls. We all got chipotle Gift cards. Best party ever I swear.

By the time the evening was wrapping up, Noah came over and reached out his hand. "May I have one last dance?"

I sighed. "I don't know. This might be a bit awkward. You being a girl and all now."

He takes the wig off and throws it into a nearby chair. "Better?"

I smile as I fold into his arms to dance. "Much. Besides. You make for one ugly girl. Just saying."

He laughed. "That was the goal."

We dance in silence for awhile as we listen to the lyrics of she will be loved.

At the end of the song, he looks down to me. " You know what I'm going to miss Most about marching band?"

"Hm?" even though the song was over, I wasn't quite ready to let go of him yet, but I do so reluctantly.

As I pull away, he lifts my chin so I'm looking him in the eyes. "I'm going to miss spending all my time with you."

Inside my mind, I'm just screaming awwwwww, but on the outside, I stay composed. "Baby, it's not like we're going to stop seeing each other. We'll still spend plenty of time together."

"I know," he says. He releases my chin and goes for my hand. "We just won't be spending hours together after school marching in mud. "

"You're right. Now, we can spend it going in real dates without the mud and the hard work." I cleanup and kiss his cheek.

He smiles and we start to walk away holding hands. "I'm glad I have you to point out the little things to me."

"Me too. What did you do before me?" I ask.

"Well I sure as hell forgot about a lot of tests, that's for sure. "

I laughed at his joke. "Why don't we go back to my place for some hot cocoa?"

"Sounds good."

Ok. So I may have lied. This isn't the last chapter. I still have one more to through in here so I'll do that soon. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Most of this is actually about what my senior show was like (which was on Halloween and yes I bawled). Thanks for all the support and love for band love as it reached 8000 views! you guys are totally awesome. Quick question: if Zoey was to win an award at the end of the season, what would it be? (it can be funny) best comment will actually be used so comment away :)

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