Chapter 34

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When I wake the next morning, I dread the idea of school until I remember Julia mentioning Ethan being dragged to the principal's office. Maybe I won't have to see him now. Although, I'm pretty sure the entire school probably knows what he did now. How the heck do I face that embarrassment? I'll never live it down.

I try and dress cute for school. I do my hair and make up so no one can tell I spent the whole night crying. I don't want people to know how I really feel on the inside, but I'm not going to lie: walking into the band room is going to be really hard.


I show up to band running a little behind for our morning rehearsal. I start to worry but stop when I walk into the room. No one else was rushing about to get ready. Everyone just stood in little groups talking to each other on hushed voices.

I go to my band locker and meet up with Noah and Julia. We don't even get a word in before mr. Gregg calls everyone to talk a seat. Everyone quickly sits on the steps and silently wait to hear what he has to say about yesterday.

He clears his throat. "As many of you may have heard, our drum major, Ethan, has been expelled for 60 days. Many are wondering what happened. Well, let's say we the directors put too much trust into him and he abused it. From now on, no one in leadership will have keys to the practice rooms. Also, see as he won't be here the the rest of the season, we have chosen our president, Jenny, to take over as drum major. She's going to have a lot to do to learn what she needs for tomorrow's performance and for the spectacular on Saturday. It's a short amount of time and I'm sure of we all focus, goals will be accomplished."

He stops talking and the room begins to buzz with rumors of what people believe Ethan did. Some are far fetched, but others hit pretty close.

Just when we thought he was done he silences is once more. "Oh there's another thing you should know. As many know, mr. Boston has been missing for awhile. Well, yet another tragedy has stuck our band. About 2 weeks ago, he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He has been undergoing treatment since that time. Please remember to keep him in your prayers. I hope to make a big card for him soon."

For once, the band is actually dead silent. No one expected what had been said. Heck, no one expected mr. Boston to be dealing with something so serious.

We are dismissed and everyone slowly moves outside to begin running the sets for our show as we adjust to the conducting techniques of Jenny. Luckily, everyone appears to adjust quickly. Our show may turn out alright this week.


I went straight home from school with Noah. He gave me a ride and dropped me off. We tried to talk about everything but Ethan and Boston. I appreciated it.

When I got home, I went straight to my room and flopped down onto my bed. I tried to begin my homework, but I just couldn't focus.

On the inside, I was really hurting from what Ethan did, but that wasn't all of it either. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to mr. Boston. Poor guy. He's only in his upper twenties. He has so much more to live for. I hope he ends up pulling through. I can't imagine this band without him.

Gosh, everything is just happening so fast.

I start to feel tears falling down my cheeks and I brush them off. "Not now," I say out loud to myself. I'm trying to act strong, but it's not going so well. I get up and turn my radio on. Titanium blasts through the speakers and I turn it up even louder.

I end up dancing around my room and singing along. I'm so into what I'm doing, I don't notice my mom entered my room until she taps my shoulder after the song. "Time for dinner, honey."


Hey y'all. Sorry about the late update. All day band camp is starting to take a toll. Hopefully I can find time during sectionals or something to update more. I mean who needs lunch right? Haha. Jk. But I'm super excited for all the good vibes I've been getting. Thanks y'all keep voting and suggesting this to your friends! You rock! Let's get to 2k:)

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