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~3 years later~
Well this is it. My last halftime show ever. I can't believe it's senior night already. How did four years of marching band come and go so quickly?

It's hard to believe that almost four years ago, I was a freshmen that wanted nothing to do with the marching band. Now I'm the president of the whole band and the mellophone section leader (which by the way has 3 lovely underclass men to be responsible for now.).

Almost everyone that I started with in band has long gone and graduated, including Noah. At least Julia is still around. She's not clarinet section leader, but she has become very talented. She plays bass clarinet now during concert season.

Julia and I have spent a lot of these season together because we're all we've got. I mean sure we've befriended a couple of freshmen girls named Ashley and Sarah, but the connection just isn't the same.

We line up on the sidelines of the field as we prepare to perform our senior show. We titled it "all you need is love".

Ah love. That reminds me of Noah. We're still together after three years, even though he's away at ohio state university. It's a bit away, but he always makes time for me when he's in town. In fact, he promised me he'd be here tonight, but I haven't seen him yet.

I watch from across the field as the set up the podium for the drum major, who is now a girl named Krista. She plays the saxaphone.

It reminds me of when Ethan used to be in charge of us. I had been wondering whatever had happened to him a couple days ago. Julia informed me he know has two illegitimate children he never sees because he's in prison for raping a girl.

I swear I think I know someone, but I really don't. It's hard to honestly know everyone in a 200 person band. My how we've grown in just a few years. The directors are even considering competition again for next season for the first time in years. It's awesome knowing that they'll be something to come back to see once I graduate. Gosh.

Well. This is it. Time to march into the field for the last time. The drum major calls us to attention and the drumline starts the intro. We begin to play "all you need is love" by the Beatles and begin to make formations. The most notable for the song is two large circles rotating around each other.

When that song is finished, the seniors all move forward to the front of the band and create a line. Each of our names are said in rapid order and we all wave or jump at ours. We then proceed to take off our jackets and show our senior band shirts underneath (which Julia designed I might add.)

In our shirts, we the seniors do a special dance to a cadence. The crowd goes nuts because for some inexplicable reason it's like crazy whenever a band dances. I won't complain though. It's attention we rightfully deserve.

After the dance, we run back to our places in the band and begin to play "love you like a love song" by Selena Gomez. It's a kickback to a show we did sophomore year. The most impressive thing about this song is our script writing of the word love.

At the end of the song, we bring our instruments down. I begin to feel emotions well up as I realize I'm about to play my last song( besides the fight song and the stands). I wonder if Noah felt this way last year. Heck is he even here watching? I still haven't seen him.

We began to count off for "marry me" by Bruno Mars. I really liked this song. It's so upbeat and at the end, I have a solo. The last set of the song is a huge heart shape that I stand in the center of to play.

As I start to play my solo, everyone around me kneels (except for drumline). Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement that doesn't match the others, but I can't turn my head to look and it's not in my peripheral vision anymore.

I hear a slight movement behind me as I finish the song. I wait for everyone to stand up, but they stay kneeling. I start to feel kind of pissed that some underclass men are messing this all up, but then it all melts away.

I realize the person that I was hearing move behind me was Noah. And he's holding a microphone. He begins to speak. "That solo was brought to you by Zoey, the most amazing girl on the planet. Isn't she wonderful." My brain freaks a lot. What is happening? This wasn't part of the plan. What do I do?

"I think so. By the way you can break attention if you want." I turn towards him. "Anyways. I think you are perfect I'm glad you chose me to be the luckiest guy on the planet. I couldn't have imagined life without you. Infact, I hope I never have to."

Noah reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box my whole body freezes and my eyes widen as I realize what is happening.

Noah gets down on one knee and continues to talk. "Please, Zoey, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

He opens his box and inside is a beautiful ring. I'm so surprised. Tears stream down my face. I drop my mellophone as I shake my head yes. I run into his arms and we kiss right there in the middle of the field.

Everyone in the stands goes nuts after a loud awwww. The band stands up and begins to play "here comes the bride". I laughed at how cute it was and also wondered when on earth they had the time to practice this.

They begin to mark time and Noah shouts in my ear "we need to get off the field so that we don't get run over like now."

"Okay." I say. I bend over to pick up my mellophone. While doing so, Noah comes over and picks me up, bridal style. "Put me down! I hate being carried!"

He laughs. "Sorry, but not today. You're my bride to be so this is all part of my plan. So enjoy." he kisses me and I stuck out my tounge we we move to the sidelines.

He keeps holding me as the band plays the fight song for the final time. When they finish, we march off the field with the band to behind the bleachers. After the band does our signature halt, Mr. Boston dismisses the band for third quarter break.

The next 20 minutes were filled with constant congratulations. Once we had gotten behind the bleachers, I took my glove off and slide my engagement ring on my finger. Nearly every girl in the band wanted to see it when they came over.

One of the last to come over was Julia. "Congrats guys. It's about time."

I laughed. "Well I guess so. This was such a huge surprise." Julia kind of looked away from me. "Oh my god. You knew about this?"

She smiled. "Actually I kinda planned this. Who do you think rehearsed these guys for that last little bit and convinced the directors to add you to the middle of the heart?"

I guess I hadn't thought about that yet. "Well, at least my boyfriend,
I mean fiancé, knows the right Cherub to go to." I leaned over and kissed Noah's cheek.

Somewhere in the distance I hear mr. Gregg calling. "Just because you're engaged doesn't make you special. No purple I'm uniform."

We all laughed. Noah leaned down and whispered in my ear "well I could just take it off of you. We wouldn't have this problem then."

My eyes widened and I have him a playful shove. "Not yet, boy you've still got to wait awhile yet. I got a final quarter to enjoy as a band member. Okay?"

He chuckles. " Alright alright. I'll just wait until after the game. See you then, angelcakes. "

Noah walked back one way, while me and Julia headed back to the band stands. We took our seats (which were near each other ). As the fourth quarter began, she turned to me and said "alright. Let's get to planning this wedding."

The end y'all. Whatcha think? Was it what you expected? I hope you enjoyed it all(or at least most of it.) thank you so much for reading this whole thing. I really appreciate it. Please comment your final thought and remember to vote. If you're looking for other things I've wrote, check out my page. I've got a few other finished stories up, as well as some poetry. Stayed tuned for other updates. (If I get enough requests, I may be willing to actually write out the wedding for those that want it.) thanks once again. You all rock! I'm proud to call you my fellow band geeks :)

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