Chapter 39

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After getting home late, I crawl into bed and fall asleep quickly. I'm far too tired and there's school tomorrow. I'll just take a quick shower then.

The entire night, I have sweet dreams of Noah. I dream of his hand, his shoulder, his lips...

All too quickly, my alarm is going off. i shut it down, and head into the bathroom for a quick shower. Thankfully, I have little extra time this morning since mr. Gregg said we could have this morning off. No practice in the mud! Hallelujah.

When I'm finished, I go back to my room to get dressed for school. I decide on a short pink sundress since I don't have to march this morning. I decide to go all out to look cute for today. I wonder if Noah will think I look cute.

Oh my god! Noah! I should text him and thank him for last night. I pick up my phone and see I already have a text from him: good morning, sunshine! I had a great time last night. Do you still want a ride to school this morning?

I smile. He called me sunshine. That's so cute! i text him back. Good morning:) I did too! I'd love a ride if you don't mind. Can't wait to see you.

He quickly responds : alright. I'll see you in 20 minutes.

I quickly scramble to finish my hair and makeup. I spray on a little perfume and find some shoes. I grab a breakfast bar and eat it quickly so I can brush my teeth.

Just as I'm finishing up, I hear his car pull up. I race to the front door and call out goodbye to my mom who just began to stumble into the kitchen. I don't think she noticed me, but it's the thought that counts.

I open the car door and sit down. As I'm buckling up, Noah leans over and kisses my cheek. "Hey there. You look absolutely beautiful today," he says.

I blush. Mission accomplished. "Thanks. I try."

He starts the car and we back out of the driveway. I notice on the clock that it's still really early before school starts. "You know we're going to be there really early right?"

"Well yea," Noah answers. "I kind of realized that. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to stop for coffee or something."

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Well, do you want Starbucks or circle k?"

"You have to ask?" I laugh.

"Starbucks it is." He says and turns in that direction.


We wait in line to order some coffee. Since it's the morning, the wait is a bit long. I order my usual frappuchino and as I'm about to get my wallet out of my purse, Noah cuts me off. "I got it."

"It's okay. I can buy my coffee. You paid for everything last night. Let me." I say.

"I wouldn't feel right if I didn't pay," he says.

"And I wouldn't feel right if you did. " I give him a look that says I'm going to win so you might as well give up. The barista just rolls her eyes impatiently at us.

Noah let's out a exasperated sigh. "Fine I guess you can pay, but on one condition."

I pay the barista and she sets to make our drinks. "Oh? and what is that?"

We move along the counter and wait for our drinks which come up quickly.nowh puts his arm around me and leans down to whisper in my ear. " You be my girlfriend?"

I smile. There's a piece of me that was kind of hoping he'd say that. As eager as I am to say yes, I decide to play it cool and mess with a little. I grab our drinks and move to a little table in the room. "Oh. "

He takes a seat across from me and I hand him his drink. As I do, he grabs me hand. " Look. I know you only just broke up with Ethan, but I promise I would never do anything to hurt you like he did. He's an asshole. The honest truth is that you deserve way better and I want to give that to you. I knew I wanted you to be my girlfriend the minute I met you. There's no other girl I'd rather be with. No one is nearly as sweet as you. What do you say?"

In my mind, all I can think is awwwwww. I know I wanted to mess with him a little because he's my friend but after that I know I can't go through with it.

With a big smile on my face, I lean across the table and look him in the eye. "Noah, I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Relief crosses his face and leans a little closer To kiss my nose. I scrunch my face up a little.

We pick up our cups and clink them in cheers. We take a sip and before getting up. We take our drinks into his car and drive to school, holding hands the whole way.

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