Chapter 27

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I get home from Julia's around 3 and worry that it's too late and that Ethan won't want to do some thing now. I text him anyways and almost instantly get a response: glad to know you're home. Be ready by 4. Ok?

I send back ok with a smiley face and start to get ready. Wait. What am I getting ready for? How nice should I dress? How should I dress? I stare at my closet and am at a loss for what to do. In the end, I choose a pair of blue jeans with a nice shirt and some converses.

I go to the bathroom and do my hair and makeup. I put my hair in a French braid and but on just a dab on mascara and some pink lipgloss.

I finish with some time to spare, so I go down and watch some tv with my mom and sister. They're watching the big band Theory, my favorite.

at the commercial, we chat a little. "How was the sleepover sweetie?"

"Oh, it was fine. We had pizza and watched some movies. Nothing exciting," I answer.

Amanda turns to look at me. "Look at you, all spiffed up? What got a hot date?"

I don't answer and pretend to be really into the progressive commercial that just came on. Realization dawns on her and Amanda's eyes widen. " oh my god! You do? Oh no. It's with that dumbass Ethan, isn't it?"

I turn to her. "Well yeah. That dumbass is kind of my boyfriend. It makes sense that I would go on dates with him. ". I roll my eyes and then stop myself. I know mom hates that.

"Aww! My baby girl has her first boyfriend. How adorable! How come I haven't met him yet?" My mom is practically clinging to my arm.

"Well he's picking me up soon. Maybe then?"

My mother squeals withy joy as the doorbell rings. "He's here! Oh my! How's my hair? Do I look alright?" My mom turns to us.

Amanda laughs. "Wow. And here I was thinking it was Zoey going on the date with that creep."

I roll my eyes and stand up to answer the door. I find Ethan standing there in jeans and a T-shirt.

Looks like I chose the right outfit. "Hey you," he says, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

I smile. "Hey yourself." I open the door. "Please come in." He gives me a weird look as he does.

As he walks in the door, he whispers to me, "any particular reason why?"

I lean into him. "Because my mom was practically ripping. My arm off because she wants to meet you."

He smiles at that. He puts on his best impersonation of Prince Charming as I lead him to the living room.

We walk in and my mom gets up off the couch. "Ethan, this is my mom."

Ethan holds out a hand by my mom embraces him into a hug. Ethan quickly hugs back. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she says.

"Oh no," Ethan says as they break the hug. "The pleasure is all mine. I've been waiting to meet the wonderful women that creates this beautiful girl. " we both blush at that.

"Such a charmer, this one," my mom says. "Don't you agree Amanda?"

At the mention of the name, I see Ethan tense up a little. Amanda's eyes never leave the screen and she stays silent. My mother just ignores the negative vibes in the room. "So where are you two lovebirds off to today?"

"Well," Ethan says as he turns to me. "I thought it would be fun to give zip lining a chance. I know a great place a few miles from here. "

This One Time At Band CampWhere stories live. Discover now