Chapter 26

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Hey y'all. I hereby dedicate this chapter to pancakes. Yummy yummy pancakes.

When I wake up the next morning, I find Noah's arm still around me. For some reason, this is really comforting and I don't know why. I just snuggle up closer.

When Julia wakes up, around 11, she offers to make pancakes. She heads up to the kitchen to make them and we follow. She goes looking through all the pantries looking for pancake mix, but fails to find any. "Uh guys, I guess there a Aren't any pancakes to be ate this morning."

"No pancakes?" I gasp. "This is a crime against nature! You can't have a true sleepover without pancakes. Why? WHY!!!!!" I pretend to cry into my hands, but just end up laughing my ass off.

"I know, but there's not a lot I can do about it, sorry. " Julia says looking as upset as my stomach.

"I have an idea," Noah states. We look to him. "We could hop in my car and go to Denny's to get $2 pancakes."

We perk up at that idea. "Hell yea!" We say in unison. We run downstairs to change into real clothes and to grab money and the keys. 5 minutes later, we're in Noah's car and chanting"pancakes" all the way there.

When we arrive, we're quickly seated and order our pancakes. We decide to get milkshakes too since they're so delicious.

We get to chatting about the football game last night. We had been losing the first three quarters, but had a major comeback to win with just seconds left on the score board. It was quite exciting.

It was during this time, I chose to check my phone. I had a text from Ethan: good morning my darling:) want to do something today?

Crap! He sent that 3 hours ago. I'm not sure what to say since I don't know how long to stay at Julia's. I just tell him I'm busy with friends until the evening.

When will you be free? He texts back instantly.

I think about it and just tell him I'll text him when I get home. He shoots a smiley face back and I relax a little. I'm going to get to see my boyfriend later. My boyfriend. Oh shit! I kissed Noah yesterday! Should I tell him? I mean it was only truth or dare. It's not like it meant anything. But it was pretty good as far as kisses go. Nah. I'll just choose to pretend it never happened.

My pancakes arrived then and the debating in my head stopped. Nothing could be more important than yummy pancakes. Oh and let's not forget my Oreo milkshake. I haven't felt so good after breakfast in a long time. It's a great way to start a great day.

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