Chapter 15

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When Noah dropped me off at home after Dairy Queen, I found out he lives one street over. I mean, I already knew Julia lived down the street from me, but I guess I should have paid better attention when we went to see that movie. But still, he's so close, he said he'd gladly give me rides whenever since he now has his license.

I walked in my house and found that Amanda wasn't home and mom was sleeping. I went to my room and called Julia. I asks if she was home and if I could come over.

When she said yes, I left my mom a note and I went to the garage. I grabbed my bike and rode down the street. I had never personally been to her house, but I remembered it from all the times mom and I went to pick up Amanda or Izzy.

I ride up her driveway and lean my bike against the fence. I find Julia is standing at the gate and she lets me in. I take in her backyard for a few seconds. She has a swimming pool, swing set, a deck. It was awesome. We head up to the deck and sit on the shaded swinging bench.

"So what's up?" She asks. She nudges my side a little. "How was the sectional? did something happen?"
She's smiling like she knows something I don't.

"Well, it was interesting. That's for sure. I wasn't expecting that at all," I say leaning my head back. I didn't realize how tired I was until I had dat down. I didn't even have the energy to rock back and forth.

Julia turns to me and puts a hand on my knee. "Ooo. I wanna hear all about it." She is just a little to excited for me right now.

"You sure about that?"I ask and she nods her head. I sigh. "Well ok then. When me and Noah came inside, we went to go into the band office and get some bandaids since I tripped on the sidewalk. " I lift my arms to show her. "When we opened the door, well, let's just say we found out Boston and Gregg are gay the hard way. "

She stares at me intently. The smile gone from her face. "Oh?"

"Yea. They were kind of in the middle of, you know, 'it' on the desk. We grabbed the first aid kit and ran for it."
I shudder a little as I finish the story. It still kind of grossed me out.

"That's all that happened?" she asks, almost disappointed.

"What? not exciting enough for you? I thought finding out your band directors are gay together was a big deal," I say surprised by her lack of shock.

"Well, I've kind of always had my suspicions. It doesn't really bother me. Love is love, although, band room sex is a little outrageous," Julia explains.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic or anything. It's just. Put yourself in my shoes. walking in on your teachers naked is seriously gross." I shudder again.

"True, " she says. "I just wasn't expecting to hear that when you came. I thought maybe something else would happen after that."

"Nope," i say. "That's all."

"Huh," she seems a little disappointed, but she snaps out of it pretty quickly. "So, you ready for our first game this friday?".

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