Chapter 33

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By the time we reach my house, I am just drowning in my tears. Noah stops the car and offers me a big hug. I sit there and just let him hold me for awhile.

Eventually, I get out of the car and run to my front door. I wave back to Noah and then I enter my house. I find Amanda sitting on the couch. "Hey sis what's u-" she starts. She looks up and sees me crying. The smile disappears off her face. She shuts off the tv and gestures for me to join her on the couch.

I sit next to her and she wraps her arms around me. "Oh my god. What happened?"

I don't answer for a long while. I can't stop sobbing long enough to tell her. She reaches around me and pulls over the box of tissues and hands it to me. "It's alright, Zoey. You can tell me."

I take a deep breath and shakily begin to explain the events of what I encountered. "Well, my phone fell out during sectionals this morning, so after school I went back to get it. I asked mr. Gregg to unlock the room for me and it ended up being on the floor outside the room. He still opened the room anyways because the light was on. And when he did I I saw-" I stop as a new burst of sobs over takes me.

"What did you see?" Amanda asks. Her face is very serious and very attentative.

After a break I spill the rest. " I saw Ethan having sex with some strange girl on the piano in the room. When we opened the door, they didn't even notice us. The didn't stop. I just ran away because I couldn't take it anymore. I can't believe he cheated on me!"

I break down again and she takes me back into a big hug. "Awwww sweetie. It's not your fault. Ethan is a totally jackass. I never liked him. He's always been a sneaky little player. I hope he honestly rots in hell after this."

I think she wanted me to laugh but I couldn't possibly. I was far to miserable so Amanda just ties to comfort me some more. "Hun, I tried to warn you he was no good. God this sucks I hate seeing you in this much pain. I wish there was more I could do to make it better."

I try to give her a small smile but I just can't manage it. "Thanks sis. I wish so too. This sucks. Like. Like more than the cheerleaders."

Amanda laughs at that. "Wow. That's pretty serious. Did you mean like talent wise? Or what they do at the football parties?"

This time I manage to get out a small chuckle as there's a knock on the door. I pretend not to hear it, but then I get a text from Julia: can I come in?

I text back yes and Julia bursts in the door. "Zoey, I'm so sorry to here about Ethan. He's a dick." She runs over and gives me a hug.

"Thanks, but how'd you know?" I ask her.

" Well, Mikayla saw Ethan and some senior chick wing escorted to the principal's office by Gregg and she texted me about it. I asked Noah if he knew what happened because it was around when you two were down there and said you ran away crying. I put a couple pieces together and rushed over here."

I put my head in my hands. "Great, so everybody already knows Ethan cheated on me. This day just keeps getting better."

Julia puts a hand in my shoulder. "Relax. Only a few people know. It's no big deal. It's not like it's your fault." I start to feel tears form in the corner of my eyes. "Don't you dare blame yourself! I brought ice cream and old disney movies to make you feel better."

I smile. "Thanks Julia."

"I'll get some bowls," Amanda says and she heads off to the kitchen.

While she's gone, my phone rings. Ethan's calling. I look to Julia. "Did you break up with him yet?"

I ignore the call. "No. I really don't want to talk to him yet."

"Does he know you know?" Julia asks.

The phone rings again. " no."

Julia sighs. "Well then you need to pick up and give him a piece of your mind."

" I guess." I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey baby," Ethan says. "You want to do something to night? I'm free."

" um no. Actually I believe we are through. Goodbye jerk." I hang up the phone.

"Way to go girl,". Julia says as the phone begins to ring. It's him again. Julia grabs the phone. "I'll handle this."

"Zoey? What do you mean 'we're through'? I thought things were going so well."

"Listen you little douche," Julia starts. "Zoey and you are over. Done. She's dumping your little cheating ass. End of story. "

"What are you talking about?" Ethan says innocently.

"Don't give me that bullshit," Julia yells. "It wasn't just Gregg that walked in on you two being gross. You two were so busy that you didn't even turn to see Zoey was with him. Now leave this girl alone. She deserves way better. Don't call here again or she'll have you arrested for sexual harassment. Stay out of her life!"

With that Julia hung up the phone. Amanda walked back in the room at this point. " you tell him girl."

"Thanks Julia," I say.

" no problem. Sometimes you just really need a sassy black women to set a man straight." I laugh. Oh I desperately needed her comment.

We all laugh as Amanda scoops 3 bowls of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. We turn on Milan and just sit back and try to relax. At some point, mom walks in, but I don't notice because I'm so putting myself into the movie so that I don't fall to pieces in reality.

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