Chapter 18

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Noah and I walk around the mansion to the back yard. The party was already in full swing. I saw band kids everywhere. They were all crowded around the bonfire, or laughing in the pool. There were plates and pop cans discarded everywhere, and music was blasting over a speaker.

So this is high school. Not bad. I follow Ethan over to the garage where we find all the food to be stashed. We hit the jackpot! There was like 20 pizzas, 6 plates of cookies and brownies, every kind of chips and coolers full of pop. We fill our plates and grab a drink. I chose Dr. Pepper because it's my favorite.

We head over to take a seat around the fire with the other band kids. As we approach, we get a few waves and hellos. By chance, we got the seats next to Julia. "There you guys are! when did you two get here?"

"Just now," I say. "Dude this place is awesome. Did you see all that food? like hallelujah."

Julia laughed and so did Noah. "Forget the food, did you see that pool. Like holy shit!" Noah points the pool to me and now upon closer examination, I see what he means. The thing was huge. It have a diving board, a slide, and it went 10 ft deep. Whoa.

"Haha. I know where we're going next," Julia says. I shove all my food in my face and drink my soda.

I got up and offered to throw everyone's trash away. I wondered around looking for a trash can, but found Ethan instead. "Looking for me?" he asked.

I blush. "Well no. I mean yes. But not. Um. I. Uh. Hi." He seems to smile at me.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked noticing all the plates in my hand. "Oh, you can just leave those on the table. George will grab them."

"Who's George?" I ask curiously. I leave the trash on the table as he says and he point to a man.

"That guy over there. He's our butler," he answers. Holy Cow. They have a butler. Like whoa. He really is rich.

"Do you need anything?"

"Actually, a bathroom would be kind of nice right now," I say.

"Sure thing, I'll show you there since my house is a but confusing." Ethan took my arm and led me into his house. I was afraid he would see me blush, but I was in so much awe, I didn't have time to be embarrassed.

We walked inside and the first thing I saw was a huge chandelier hanging from the second floor ceiling. It was breathtaking. He led me up a curved staircase and down a series of hallways. As we walked he would explain what each room was. I was utterly impressed. "And here is the bathroom. i'll wait across the hall for you so you don't get lost."

"Thanks," I say and I open the door. I close it behind me and turn on the lights. Oh my! inside is a beach themed bathroom. There were seashells and sand in bases of candles. A Painting of the ocean face ing the bear clawed bath tub. There was a shower with see through doors. The floor was a sea-foam green with seashell pink rugs. The toilet was even pearl with matching pink covers. It was beautiful.

I did my business and washed my hands with the delicious smelling soap. I dry them off and cross the hall to find Ethan sitting in a nice little sitting room. It was quite lovely in there. He didn't see me come in at first, but invites me to sit on the couch next to him.

He's facing the window and appears to be looking out it. "do you know what I see?"

I look out and see a bunch of stars in the sky, along with the moon, but that's about it. "Stars?" I ask.

He laughs little chuckle and says no. He puts his arm around me and says "while those are indeed quite beautiful, I meant something even more beautiful. You."

Okay. Now there was definitely no way to cover up the blushing there. I giggle a little and manage to get out a thank you.

"Say, what are you doing tomorrow?" he asks me.


"Then how would you like to come down to the beach with me tomorrow? It'll be a nice little break from band for awhile."

"Uh sure. Sounds great!" omg. My first date. With Ethan none the less. Like this was crazy.

"Then it's settled. I'll pick you up at 10 am. Okay?" I nod my head and we Stand up and head back to the party.

I find that Julia and Noah have already found their way to the pool. "Zoey! you gotta get in here! it's awesome!" Julia shouts to me from the edge of the pool. Noah does a cannon ball right next to her and completely submerges her in the splash. She screams a little but it turns into a laugh.

"I'Ll be right there," I say. I find a nice dry spot on the ground to leave my clothes. I take them off and move over to the pool side. I sit down on the edge right next to my friends.

"Dang, look at you. I didn't know you could rock a bikini like that," Julia laughs. Noah doesn't say anything. He just stares so Julia smacks him. "It's not polite to stare Noah."

He snaps out of it. "I'm gonna go wait to use the diving board". He gets out and heads to the back of the line.

"Omg. You'll never guess what happened." I tell Julia. Before she can say what, I tell her. "Ethan asked me on a date tomorrow!"

"No way!" she squeals. I nod my head and she pulls me in. "Well have fun, but not too much fun."

"Relax, it's just the beach. Nothing like than will happen." Just as I day that, Noah does a backflip and land in the water.

Julia gives me a dirty look before she gets up in the edge of the pool. "looks like somebody has never heard of beach sex. "

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