Chapter 24

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"That was great guys, but let's just do it one more time just to make sure," mr. Boston calls from the sidelines. We had just finished marching through the entire show. It wasn't even 730 am yet. Why am I here? I should of just took the tardy.

I start to head back to my spot on the side of the field for the show. Ethan walks up next to me and gives me a side hug. Oh yea, that's why I'm here.

"C'mon, let's see some running you lazy teenagers!" Mr. Gregg calls from the side of the field. He's still banging on that stupid gock block. Even if the cute drum major is my boyfriend, it still doesn't change the fact that's it too early.

We run to the sideline and run it all again. When we finish, we discover that apparently we still weren't good enough. Boston tells us to take it from the top again. The entire band groans and we head back to our spots. Ethan gets back onto the podium and raises his arms. "5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8"


"Is band going to be like this everyday from now on?" Julia asks as we sit down at the lunch table.
Today we were having hot dogs.

"Yup, get used to it." Noah answers. He had already squeezed on his ketchup.

"Working that hard makes me get all sweaty and gross. How am I supposed to look cute if I have to march during school?" I say commenting the mud that had gotten on my jeans.

"Well, technically you always look cute," Noah says. Then he immediately shoved the rest of his hot dog in his mouth as I start to blush.

Julia tries to end the awkwardness. "So how was that date last night?"

"Well it was pretty good. He took me to red lobster so I ate chicken fingers and then we watched the last song and titanic."

"Oooo. What'd you two do during the movies?" Julia says a nudge.

"Well," I say looking away. "We made out a bit. He tried to make a love on me again but I stopped him. But other than that it was pretty goo-"

Noah cuts me off. "Whoa whoa whoa. Did you say again? I told you he's a douche. All he cares about Is sex. If I were you, I'd leave that little rich boy before it's too late."

"Chill out, dude." Julia jumps in. "He didn't get far. She's still good. Obviously he has some respect for the girl."

"Yea," I add. " he's really sweet once you get to know him."

"Sweet my ass," he mutters. Noah stands up to throw out his lunch. "For the record, I do already know him. That's why I'm trying to protect you."

"Whatever," Julia says and turns her attention back to me. "So how about a sleepover after the party this weekend?"

"Sounds good," I say.

"Ooo can I come?" Noah says sarcastically.

"Sure," Julia says, not noticing his tone. "My mom seriously won't care. But you have to bring the pizza."

"Oh, okay." Noah doesn't seem very enthusiastic, but he got himself into this.

"Alright, then I'll bring some movies and such necessities,"I put in just as the bell rings.

"Sounds like a plan," Julia says.

This One Time At Band CampWhere stories live. Discover now