Chapter 44

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The last couple of weeks of band really seemed to go by too quickly. With the recognition of the seniors one last week and our final show, the senior show, rapidly approaching this Friday, it was all coming to an end to quickly.

I mean sure, I wasn't all that close to any particular senior, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ping to miss them or band. Just because I was lost in my own little world with Noah, didn't mean I was completely oblivious to reality.

While I'm setting up my mellophone for what will be the last Wednesday after school practice of the season, mr. Boston makes an announcement.

"Hey band," he says and we answer back. " In my hands, I hold the ballots for the fun awards that our presidents have chosen. Please pick one up when you can, fill it out, and then return it to one of them by Friday . Thanks!".

He put the stack of papers on a music stand and quickly moved away before it got stormed by all the students. Once they cleared away, I made my way over and picked one up. Before I could read it though, I was told to hurry up and get outside, so I folded it up and put it in my pocket. There was no way I was going to run laps for being late to the last practice.


The practice seemed to go by quickly. We set all the drill the seniors designed for their senior show and it seemed to go fairly smoothly. There was a lot, but it was easy and cool (who doesn't like that?)

After changing out of my muddy rain boots and sweats, I head out and wait for Noah by his car. We were planning on going to an ever so fancy dinner together at the exclusive friendly's down the street.

He shows up and unlocks the car so I can hop in. He starts the car and turns the radio on. It's a fairly short drive, so the only song we hear on the way there is anaconda. Let me just say, you have not lived until you see Noah's nicki manaj impersonation . Nothing compares to that.

At friendly's, we're seated right away. We sit down at the table and the waiter shows up. Apparently, he knows Noah, since he showed up to the table with kids menus and crayons. They exchanged knowing faces.

"Thanks nick," Noah says. "You definitely know how to make my night."

" I don't know," the waiter revered to as nick answers. "If I had a sate a lady as lovely as her, my whole life would be made."

Noah smiles. "Yea. My Zoey sure does make everyday worth getting up for." he looked at me and I blushed.

I was completely silent. I just couldn't seem to answer. Since apparently the cat got my tongue, Noah ordered our drinks and nick disappeared.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh that's nick," Noah answered. And smiled.

"No shit sherlock. I kinda figured that out. How do you know him?" I rolled my eyes as I said this.

"He's in a couple of my classes. He's on the swimteam at school too."

"Ok. And he knew you'd want coloring books?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Zoey, it's not that hard to figure out. What high school boy doesn't want to color?"

"A lot of them actually," I say.

"Well they're losers. And sides it doesn't matter. You're stuck with me." Noah leans over the table and kisses my nose.

I sigh as he picks up a crayon. "If you can't beat them, join them. "

Nick came back with our drinks while I finished learning how to draw a bee (it's harder then it looks apparently). We then both order two chicken finger meals and nick goes on his way.

When we both had completely filled out books, I reached in my pocket qnd found the folded up ballot.

"Say, do you know how to do this?" I asked Noah showing him.

"Yea. It's a ballot. You just put the names of the people you want to vote for for each award. Pretty simple" Noah explains.

"Maybe for you. I don't know anyone in the band except my section and Julia," I answer.

"Then maybe I can help you," he hands me a crayon. "What's the first one?"

"Best hair."

"Okay," Noah says. "Who as good hair?"

"Well, I guess that Harry kid in the clarinet section has pretty good hair. He kind of obsessed about it all the time."

"Then there you go. Right down Hairy harry," Noah says and chuckles a little. I just right down Harry.

"Next on the list is best smile," I say.

" I think you should vote for yourself because yours is gorgeous."

I blush. "I can't do that. "

"Psh. If you won't i will. " He picks up another crayon and write my name. I stick my tongue out at him.

"What about favorite member of leadership? I only know like two and I'm not very fond of either." I try and think, but come up blank.

"How bout Zak in percussion? he's a hoot," Noah suggests.

"Oh you mean the twerker? okay."

We got through the list until our meals arrive. Once they do, I fill out the final award: cutest couple. Well, at least that ones a no brainer.


Hey y'all. Sorry it's been awhile since I updated. It's been crazy lately. I've been applying to colleges, visiting colleges insane. Last night, our team lost their chance to be division champs ( real heartbreaker). I had my last choral fest too. My senior show is next week and I'm really pumped, but it makes writing about this one bittersweet. Bare with me people. Don't forget to vote. Thanks so much :) peace out

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