Chapter 37

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When I walk in the house, it's fairly silent. I can see my family didn't wait up after the spectacular. I mean I knew they'd beat us home, but I didn't think they'd already be asleep.

I stumble through the dark towards my room. I'm too busy thinking about how badly I want to shower that I almost don't realize I bumped into Amanda I open my mouth to scream because I was so surprised.

In the dark she quickly puts a hand over my mouth and pulls me into my room. She finds my light switch and flicks it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper yell at her.

"I'm going to a frat party with Izzy. Not one word to mom, alright?" she says.

"You're a grown woman and you still fear mom? I pretty sure you're old enough to go to a party whenever you want," I say.

" I know. that's why I'm going. That's why I didn't tell. Plus I know she'll disapprove and will stay up worrying so please don't say anything."

" I won't,"I say, Stepping closer. "If you bring me some chipotle tomorrow."

"You got it. I was thinking about that anyways. Now go take a shower. You stink," she says pinching her nose.

I roll my eyes at her and start to push her away. I forgot that I still had the roses in my hand. "Nice flowers," Amanda says. "Where'd you get them? oh no. Please don't tell me Ethan is harnessing you. I'm all out of whoop-ass at the moment."

I laugh a little. " No, no. Actually. They're from Noah. He gave them to me after the spectacular."

Amanda smiles with approval. "He's a nice boy. I approve. You guys would make a cute couple." I blush as she waves goodbye, leaving the room with a satisfied smile.


The next morning, I wake up around 10. I roll over and find myself face to face with the roses. They look nice in the case I put them in last night.

It really was a sweet gesture. I didn't really think he would do such nice things. I wonder if he likes me.

Before I begin to let my mind wonder to much, I pick up my phone and text Julia for a second opinion.

"Hey. Do you think Noah likes me?" I text.

Not longer after, I hear my phone ping. "What was your first hint Einstein? are you only just figuring this out?"

So he really does like me? I can't believe it. Holy cow. How do I even feel about this? I mean he's my friend. Do i have feelings for him?

"How do you know?" I text Julia. Maybe her answer will help.

"Because he told me himself. Plus, it's not like it's not Obvious. You're all he ever talks about." she replied.



I didn't know I meant so much to him. I don't want hurt him. What should I do? I mean he's cute and really funny. He understands me. He's great with kids. He's even smart. I feel little butterflies start to form in my stomach. Maybe I do have feelings for him.

But isn't it too soon? I only just broke up with Ethan. What if Noah hurts me too? I doubt he would, but you never know.

While in the middle of a debate in my mind, my phone pings again. I think it's Julia until I read the text. "Roses are red, violets are blue. I'd really like to go on a date with you. Tonight maybe?" Noah.

Oh boy. What should I say? I'm so confused. Do I want to go? where would we go? how do I answer. I hope I don't make things complicated.

I finally take a deep breath and text a response. "I'd love to."

"Great, I'll see you at 6."

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