1 (sarah)

200 11 11

Sarah's POV

Ugh. My alarm started blaring in my ear. To early. I turned it off and rolled over. I had toss and turned all night not getting any sleep. I don't even know why. I got out of bed and picked out a outfit. A black tiger shirt and skin tight jeans with a pair of black ankle boots. I brushed my hair and teeth and ran downstairs. My parents have to leave early so I am at home alone. I go outside and hop in my little Camaro. I headed to school, hoping to beat my bestie there.

•••skips to school•••

I immediately spot her hanging out with Jason, the school bad boy. I never understood why she liked him. He is totally stupid. And obnoxious. I hop out and call her over. She says by to Jason and walks towards me.

"Hey. I win," she says.

"Good morning to you too Angel," I said. She laughed. That made me smile.

"Let's get to class before we are late."

We walk together to first period. Ugh. I hate this period. AP human geography is so boring. I suppose Angel agrees as she lets out a sigh. We take out seats and start working.


We walk through the cafeteria and sit down. I spot Jason and one of his friends and they walk over. Great. Angel smile and bats her eyes. I roll my eyes.

"Hey," Jason says making Angel giggle. Jeez. I look over to Jason's friend and see him eyeing me. It makes me super uncomfortable.

"Hey Angel. I'm gonna go get a lunch. I'll be back soon," I said and got up without waiting for a response. Weaving through the people in the cafeteria I make my way to the lunch line. That's when my phone goes off.

Unknown number: hey I called that man an hour ago and he ain't here..
Me: lol sorry you got the wrong number
Unknown number: who dis?
Me: Sarah
Unknown number: I'm diego
Me: um cool. Well I'm in school rn so..bye!
Unknown number: ight. Text ya later lil ma

I grab a apple and a juice and walked back to the table. Jason was sweet talking Angel. Thank God his friend was gone though.

•••skips to after school•••

"Hey do you wanna come over to my house," I ask Angel.

"Nah. I'm gonna go over to Jason's house."

Of course. Seen that coming.

"Alright. I'll text you later. Bye girl." She waved and walked away. Okay then. I got into my car and drove home. I walked inside and went upstairs. I got on my phone and went on insta. And something came across my screen that made me think.

 And something came across my screen that made me think

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xanxiety: stay in school kids. Pursue yo dreams girl💔

username1: tru

username2: yup^

username3: someone is high

username4: what happened to you Xan???

sarah_love: stop hating. he is right. stay in school😃

username5: @sarah_love yasss

username6: Xan be cute asf

xanxiety: thank for the support @sarah_love 💔

username7: wuuut^^^^

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