27 (Angel)

23 3 2

(before the incident)

I woke up, and looked around. I was in Jahseh's room, on his bed. I looked down, expecting to bed in my jeans and t-shirt from yesterday. But i was in one of his shirts and clean panties. He must have gotten me dressed. I wonder if we did it. Mt head started throbbing and i got out of bed for some advil or tylenol. I opened the medicine cabinet and looked at all the different pills. Jeez, how many pills does he need? My eyes landed on some advil, and i grabbed two. I walked into the kitchen for water, and noticed the time. 9:27.

"Jahseh! You home?!"

No answer.


Still no answer. I walked through all the rooms and the was no sign of him. I looked in the garage and his car was gone. I decided to call him.

I dialed his number. It rang. And rang. And rang. And rang. Finally on the fifth ring, he picked up.

"Hey J, where are you?"

"Is this Angel," a voice asked, and it didnt belong to my man.

"Y-yes. Who is this?"

"This is doctor Moore at Mercy hopital. I hate to be the one to inform you, but Mr. Onfroy was shot in the mcdonald parking lot. He was shot in the chest, not to far away from the heart. We are doing everything to save him, but it isnt looking to bright."

No. no. no, he couldnt be shot. This is just a crued prank. My legs felt like jello. My brain stopped thinking. All i knew was that i needed to be there, with him. I hang up and ran to the bedroom and grabbed the first pair of pants i saw. I grabbed my phone as i ran out the door. I call an uber and they arrived in 5 minutes.

"Mercy hospital. Step on it. I wanna see you doing 100 miles an hour. Now," i yelled at the driver.

"Ma'am, i dont want to get pul-"


"Y-yes ma'am."

I watched as the speed meter thing went over 100. I was pushed back against the seat. I sent a quick text to Sarah and Diego telling them to meet me at the hospital.

We arrived 20 minutes later and i threw a 100 at him and raced inside.

"What room number is Jahseh Onfroy in," i asked the receptionist at the front desk

She took her sweet time giving me the number. "Room 283 on the 3rd floor."

I rushed to the elevator and waited 5 seconds then ran to the stairs. When i got to the 3rd floor, i followed the numbers and finally found 283. A nurse was running out of the room. She looked at me and clearly knew who i was.

"Miss, you going to have to wait out here."

"I need to see him!"

"He's in surgery right now. If you let us proceed our work, he has a higher chance of surviving."

I just stared at her.

"Please, miss. Sit down, you can see him when we are finished," she said, pointing to one of the red waiting chairs. My legs started moving on their own to the chairs. I sat down and put my hands in my face. Then, i let the tears flow. I couldn't help but think of what would happen if he passed. I would fall apart.

"Angel! What happened?! Is everything okay," i heard someone yell/ask. I couldn't make words appear so i just shook my head. Her arms wrapped around me.

"Is Jahseh okay," diego asked.

"No...no..he-he w-was sh-sh-shot. The d-doctors arent l-letting me s-s-see h-him," i said, struggling to not burst out in tears again.

"Itll be okay. Its gonna be fine. Hes gonna live. I promise," Sarah whirspered.

"Ill be right over here, i need to make a quick call," Diego said, though Sarah wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, it'll be just fine. Im positive he'll live. He's a big boy. Sweety, wipe them tears away, he'll be okay," Sarah said, rubbing my arms as she hugged me.

"Can i speak with you a sec, sweetheart," diego asked.

"Sure. ill be right back Angel."

I continued to sob as she got up and walked with Diego.

"Diego's doing something stupid," Sarah said, sitting down next to me.

We sat in silence for nearly 2 and a half hours. Then, the doctor walked over, and dread came with him.

"Family of Jahseh Onfroy?"

"She's his girlfriend and im a close friend of his," Sarah told the doctor when i couldn't speak.

"Mr. Onfroy is alive, but he is in a coma. He may or may not come out of it. We can't tell. He is being assisted with breathing by one of the machines. He lost a lot of blood. If you would like to see him, you are more than welcome to."

I nodded my head and he spun on his heel and led us to room 283. He opened the door and walked away.

"Ill be in the lobby," Sarah whispered.

I walked toward the bed, tip-toeing, afraid ill wake him even though i want to so badly. I pull up one on the chairs to the bedside and sit down. He was laying on the bed, his chest barely rising and falling. Tears stung my eyes. He had tubes running into his nose and mouth. I traced is jaw with my fingertips. His skin was so soft. I gently brushed his long, thick eyelashes with my thumb.

"Why? What were you doing up so early, babe? Why couldn't you just stay in bed and cuddle with me? I love you Jahseh. If you die on me, my world is gonna be shit. Please, Jahseh, pull through. Don't die. Please. Please. I need you. Babe, if you can hear me, i love you and you need to live. Your to young to die. Dont forget about your fans. Dont forget about me," i sobbed quietly. I laid my head down on the bed and held his hand in mine. I drifted off to sleep, listening to the machines. Listening to the beep, beep, beep- the only thing indicating he was still with me.

Tears, boo, tears are rolling down my cheeks. I feel so bad for Angel, Jahseh, Sarah, and Diego. They got sum fucked up lives in here :,( </3

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