17 (sarah)

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I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. Today me and Angel have to take the guys to the airport so they can go home. The thought mage me sad. I was really going to miss Diego. I got up and went to the bathroom. When I was done, I went to the kitchen. I decided eggs, bacon, and toast would be a good breakfast. I put on music and danced around. I was flipping the stripes of bacon when I felt hands slid on my waist. I turned around to be met by Diego.

"Good morning gorgeous," je said in a raspy voice.

I'm going to miss that voice.

"Good morning handsome," I responded.

He leaned down and kissed me. His lips were so soft. His hands reached around me. I didn't feel them settle so I pulled away and turned my head. He had a piece of bacon in between his fingers.

"Save some," I yelled at him, playfully slapping his shoulder.

He laughed and ate it anyway.

I turned back around to get the rest of the food ready. I heard the stairs creak. Angel and Jahseh came down and sat at the table. They kept kissing each other.

"Jeez! Get a room you two," Diego said. They laughed at him. I walked over to the table and placed the food down. Everyone dug in. I was barely able to get any for me. We still had about an hour and a half before the plane would be leaving Georgia. When we were finished with breakfast, Angel and Jahseh went back up to the room. Me and Diego just chilled.

"So...are you excited about going home," I asked.

"Nope. I don't wanna leave you. I'm seriously falling and I do t wanna get back up," he said.

I jumped up from where I was and slid into his lap, where each of my legs were on his sides. He rested his hands on my upper thighs. I leaned down and gave him a kiss. His lips tasted like butter. His hands traveled to my waist and went up my shirt a bit. We were still kissing when I heard moas coming from upstairs. I pulled away and looked at Diego. He had the same expression his face. The moaning for a little louder. That's when I realized it was Angel and Jahseh doing it. Me and him burst pit laughing. I guess we were laughing so loud that they heard and the moaning stopped.

It was about 20 minutes before we had to leave. We decided to stop at McDonald's and get ice cream. We all got different kinds.

•••skips to airport•••

The plane is leaving in 5 minutes. I'm sitting with Diego's arms around me. I couldn't help but tear up. This boy has taken my heart and I don't want it back.

It was time for him leave. I gave him a gigantic kiss.

"Imma miss you so much babe," Diego whispered to me.

"I have to go Sarah."

"Okay. I miss you already," I said.

Everyone said their goodbyes and the boys walked to the plane entrance. I felt hot tears gather

"Sarah, come on. Lest go home. We got school tomorrow so let's just chill," Angel said as we hopped in the car.

My phone buzzed. It was an Instagram post.

xanxiety: already bored on the plane, wishing I was wit you💔3,197 likes2,579 comments

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xanxiety: already bored on the plane, wishing I was wit you💔

username1: awwwww

username2: nose ring?

username3: I was wondering where you been boi

xanxiety: I been chilling with my girl^

username4: Daddy 👅

username5: when will y'all learn he got a girl^^^^

sarah_love: I miss you so much already. Your touch was so warm❤️

username6: heart shaped kisses, really miss my mistress💋

username7: ^ Sarah+ Diego=💑

sarah_love: awe^

xanxiety: I miss you Sarah, a lot.

sarah_love: miss  you more

When we got home I told Angel I just wanted to watch movie and go to bed. She said something about school and left.

It was 10 when I got a call. It was Diego wanting to FaceTime.

"Hey," I said.

I looked at his face on the screen. His eyes were really red.

"Hey,"  he said, slurring his words.

"Aye man get off the phone and finish these body shots! She gotta go home soon," someone yelled in the background.

"Diego? What are you doing?"

"Babbby, I gosta go..I will talk to ya later," he said, not very clear.

"Diego? Diego wait!" I yelled at the phone. He had hung up.

Body shots? She? I swear if he cheats. Well..would it be cheating? Are we dating? Ughhhhhh.

I got up and went upstairs. I fell asleep to confusing thoughts swarming my head.

Hey!! Hope you guys enjoy the book thingie so far! Love y'all😍😘❤️

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