19 (angel)

45 7 3

I texted Sarah trying to find out what she meant by her comment on my post.


Me: Sarah? You ok?

bestie: no

Me: wanna talk about it?

bestie: yeah

Me: I'm coming to get you. See you in 10.

bestie: okay

I immediately got into my car and drove to her house. I gently knock on the door and she opened it up. She looked... stressed.

"Go get dressed right now," I said. More demanded though.

"Why," she whined.

"Cause I'm taking you out for some damn Chinese. I'm starving. And you are to probably."


She walked upstairs and was rummaging through her closet. She came down in freaking sweat pants and a ugly green shirt.

"What the hell is that," I asked,maybe a little bit more dramatic then necessary, buy I'm Angel so it is what it is.

"It's my outfit."

"No, that's your dad's outfit. Ugh. Follow me,"

I left her upstairs to the closet. I picked out a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, purple crop top, and her purple UGGs.

"I'm only gonna wear this cause you," she said grumpily. I rolled my eyes.

"Meet ya downstairs," I said in a sing-song voice as I walked downstairs.

She came down wearing the outfit I picked out.

"YAY! Okay let's go get Chinese," I said excitedly.

•••skips to restaurant•••

The waiter led me and Sarah to a table. He took our orders and sped off.

"Okay. Tell me what happened with you and Diego," I said.

"Well...I guess after he got home and threw a party type thing. I face timed me. But he was drunk and high. He was talking and slurring his words. I heard someone yell in the background yell over to him. Something about body shots and the girl had to go home soon. He hung up. I texted him a bunch of times. I check today if he responded. But he didn't. He seen  them though," she said in one big huff.

I couldn't believe it. He can.e down here and just led her on. I am going to kick his ass if it's the last thing I do.

"Wanna go to Cali," I asked.

"How would we get there," she questioned me.

"Be realistic here. Our parents have money. We could easily buy tickets."

"They would want to know why we are going to California."

"Looking at a college. I mean  we are in 12th grade and we already turned in applications and we both turned one in to California so..."

"I don't wanna see Diego"

"C'mon! We can stay at Jahseh's house."

"Let me sleep in it."

"Why do you gotta be so difficult?"

"Difficult or not you love me."

Our food came around and we dug in.

•••next day•••


bestie: i thought about it and spoke with my mother

Me: and...?

bestie: fuck it. Let's go to CALI!!!!!

Me: Omg yassss!! I already bought tickets!

bestie: how'd you know I was going to say yes?

Me: cuz I you

bestie: lol truuu

Me: I'mma pick you up tomorrow. Start packing!!!😋😄😁

bestie: omfg okayyy byeeeeeee

Me: byeeee💜

I can't wait to bring her to California. I've been there once and it was beautiful. Time to tell Jahseh.


Me: hi babe

XXX: hey wyd

Me: nothing..gonna go to Cali tomorrow..

XXX: fr? Ight. You gonna stay with me.

Me: and Sarah too???

XXX: sure, if she wanna. What happened with her and Diego tho?

Me: something about body shots and a girl

XXX: he on sum fuck shit for doing that to her like fr

Me: I know

Me: well I'mma go pack and get to bed. I will see you tomorrow!!!

XXX: ok. Goodnight babe💜

Me: goodnight

After talking with Jahseh, I pack all of my cute outfits and bikinis. After doing that, I flopped on my bed and passed out.

•••next morning•••

I woke up and got dressed. I wanted to get to the airport as soon as possible. I wanted no time getting to Sarah's house. I practically dragged her out. Number one in my check list for when we do get to California is I'm going to kick Diego's ass. He can't hurt her and get away with it.

We got to the very crowded airport and waited.

We waited and waited and waited and waited. We waited for years before they finally called our flight.

The flight was worse. It was delayed another 30 long minutes.

Finally we took off. It was long and boring. We mainly played games on our phones.

"I'mma take a nap. Wake me up when we land," Sarah said.

I nodded my head and she fell asleep.

•••end of flight•••

I woke her up and she sat up happily.

"Oh my god were here," we yelled.

I could see the excitement on her face. I texted Jahseh and asked for directions to his house. Once I got them, I called and Uber to come get us.

We were finally in California.

Love y'all bunches!!!!💜💜💜💜💜😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘

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