12 (angel)

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After dropping Diego off at Sarah's, Jahseh and I went back to my place. We watched and movie and ordered Chinese.

•••next morning•••

angel_storm: he crashed on my couched, but he looks like an angel😇3,163 likesComments disabled

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angel_storm: he crashed on my couched, but he looks like an angel😇
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I gently tapped Jahseh's shoulder. He rolled over and opened one eye. I smiled and he smiled back. He stretched and then reached out and pulled me on top of him.

"Hey," I whispered.


"Whatcha wanna do today?"


I instantly blushed.

"Your funny. But why don't we go slow?"

"Sounds good. I'm hungry though."

"Wanna go somewhere?"

"Yeah. How bout... IHOP?"

"Sure. Let me get dressed." I walked into my room and changed. When I came back, Jahseh had a guilty look on his face.

"What'd you do," I asked.

"I don't know but you should check your insta..."

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xxxtentacion: my beautiful baby girl😍
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I looked at the phone for a good minute. I looked back at him and he smiled. I leaned down and kissed him. It must have token him by surprise because he wasn't kissing back until a second later. His hand traveled to  the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I pulled away to catch my breath. I looked at him and couldn't hold back my smile.

"Let's go," I whispered.

We walked out to my car and drive to IHOP. We ordered 6 pancakes and scrambled eggs. As we ate we talked about some of out past, the present, and the future. Jahseh is a rapper who wants to make it big. I could see him doing that. He talked about Diego wanting to do the same. They have apparently been friends for a couple years. I told him how Sarah and I knew each other since 6th grade. He thought she is pretty chill. After breakfast, he took me to a clothing store and picked out a beautiful black dress that went down to my knees.

 After breakfast, he took me to a clothing store and picked out a beautiful black dress that went down to my knees

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We went back home and just chilled. I spent at least 4 hours working on my makeup. I had to redo it 3 times. Jahseh kept jumping in on me, which scared me, causing me to smudge my makeup. He thought it was just the funniest thing ever. Little butt.

I was ready. Just as I was coming out of the bathroom, he was leaning against the door, complaining about my "slow ass self". But I didn't mind because I was able to get a picture of him looking very nice and clean.

angel_storm: lookin sharp boo😉😈 @xxxtentacion2,173 likescomments disabled

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angel_storm: lookin sharp boo😉😈 @xxxtentacion
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I smiled to myself when he took my hand and we walked out to the car. We got in and we drive to the restaurant he wanted to go to. Kimball House. It's a new American restaurant. I ordered roasted duck breast and he got confit veal breast. For our drink we got red wine.

"Dinner is delicious," I said to Jahseh. He nodded his head. He seemed a little quiet. I just kept eating.

"comment est le dîner," the waiter said to us as he passed by.

"c'est délicieux," Jahseh replied.

It looked at him in shock. I didn't know he spoke French.

"You never mentioned you speak a different language," I whispered.

"My mother made me take French in 8th grade," he whispered back.

"That's awesome."

"Je vous aime bien," he said smiling.

"What's that mean?"

"I like you."

My cheeks were in dire need of a fire extinguisher.

When we were done, we paid the bill and left. We arrived at my home. I told him I wanted a shower and got in and out. He was waiting on my bed in a pair of boxers. He patted the spot besides him and I went and sat down. He leaned over me and gently left a trail of kisses down my neck. I moaned in pleasure. His hands traveled up my back. I ran my hands through his hair.

Then he stopped abruptly.

"Did I do something," I asked.

"No...but aren't we going slow?"

"So you are a teaser?"

"Maybe. C'mon, let's get to bed." He said while smirking.

We laid in the bed. I cuddled up close to his body after I put on some underwear and a T-shirt.

I was just about to dift off when one last thought crossed my mind:

I'm gonna get him back.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!! Lol! Luv y'all😘😍❤️

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